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2025 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

Autonomous Vehicles Path Planning Under Temporal Logic Specifications

Authors : Akshay Dhonthi, Nicolas Schischka, Ernst Moritz Hahn, Vahid Hashemi

Published in: Formal Methods: Foundations and Applications

Publisher: Springer Nature Switzerland

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Path planning is an essential component of autonomous driving. A global planner is responsible for the high-level planning. It basically performs a shortest-path search on a known map, thereby defining waypoints used to control the local (low-level) planner. Local planning is a runtime verification method which is repeatedly run on the vehicle itself in real-time, so as to find the optimal short-horizon path which leads to the desired waypoint in a way which is both efficient and safe. The challenge is that the local planner has to take into account repeatedly incoming updates about the information available of the environment. In addition, it performs a complex task, as it has to take into account a large variety of requirements, originating from the necessity of collision avoidance with obstacles, respecting traffic rules, sticking to regulatory requirements, and lastly to reach the next waypoint efficiently. In this paper, we describe a logic-based specification mechanism which fulfills all these requirements.

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Autonomous Vehicles Path Planning Under Temporal Logic Specifications
Akshay Dhonthi
Nicolas Schischka
Ernst Moritz Hahn
Vahid Hashemi
Copyright Year

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