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2023 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

51. Awareness Campaign Design for Assam Tea Plantation Workers

Authors : Suresh Goduka, Amarendra Kumar Das

Published in: Design in the Era of Industry 4.0, Volume 3

Publisher: Springer Nature Singapore

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This research paper discusses findings from a field survey among Assam tea plantation workers. The survey is aimed to measure the effectiveness of different mass media tools in communicating awareness messages to the workers. 15 questions were set so that the following indicators could be measured: seeing banners or posters within the last six months, seeing government awareness messages during movie shows, listening to programmes on tea workers on the radio, watching and understanding government ads or public awareness announcements on TV, understanding loudspeaker announcements made in the tea estate area, seeing and understanding government ads and announcements on mobile phone, knowing government schemes through any media tool. The survey findings suggest that there is a need for a new method and approach for creating an altogether different experience for consumption of mass communication among Assam tea plantation workers for enlightening them as informed citizens.

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Awareness Campaign Design for Assam Tea Plantation Workers
Suresh Goduka
Amarendra Kumar Das
Copyright Year
Springer Nature Singapore

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