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15-03-2021 | Original Article

Bark of Astronium lecointei Ducke trees from the Amazon: chemical and structural characterization

Authors: Graciene S. Mota, Elesandra S. Araujo, Mário Lorenço, Juliana Livian L. de Abreu, Claúdia L. S. de O. Mori, Cassiana A. Ferreira, Marcela G. Silva, Fábio Akira Mori, Gracialda C. Ferreira

Published in: European Journal of Wood and Wood Products | Issue 5/2021

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The bark of the Astronium lecointei Ducke tree, a species native to the Brazilian Amazon, was characterized in relation to anatomical and chemical features. The chemical composition was studied for the first time. The bark of A. lecointei has a periderm with thick phellem layer and the phloem has abundant sieve tube members and a conspicuous presence of sclerified nodules of sclereids. The mean chemical composition of A. lecointei bark was 5.8% ash, 12.9% total extractives that were principally polar compounds soluble in water and ethanol, 32.7% lignin, 1.8% suberin, and 46.9% polysaccharides. The ethanol and water extracts contained phenolics compounds (77.1 mg gallic acid equivalents/g extract), flavonoids (58.7 mg catechin equivalents/g extract) and tannins (7.3 mg catechin/g extract) and showed moderate antioxidant capacity. Extractives were present preferentially in the finest fraction with enrichment in the water-soluble portion. The main phenolic constituents found in the bark extract are chlorogenic acid (49.1%), gallic acid (46.8%), o-coumaric acid (2.7%) and trans-cinnamic acid (1.4%). The bark showed high calcium concentration (267 mg/g) and had 103 mg/g nitrogen and 46 mg/g potassium. Based on the potential use of polar extractives, polysaccharides and lignin, bark from A. lecointei is suggested as a valuable resource of raw material for production of high-value products.

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Bark of Astronium lecointei Ducke trees from the Amazon: chemical and structural characterization
Graciene S. Mota
Elesandra S. Araujo
Mário Lorenço
Juliana Livian L. de Abreu
Claúdia L. S. de O. Mori
Cassiana A. Ferreira
Marcela G. Silva
Fábio Akira Mori
Gracialda C. Ferreira
Publication date
Springer Berlin Heidelberg
Published in
European Journal of Wood and Wood Products / Issue 5/2021
Print ISSN: 0018-3768
Electronic ISSN: 1436-736X