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14-01-2025 | Battery | Infographic | Article

Majority Sees Advantages of Swappable Batteries for E-Cars

Author: Christiane Köllner

2:30 min reading time

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In Europe, it is standard for electric cars to have built-in traction batteries. However, there is also the principle of swappable batteries. German citizens see advantages in battery replacement.

The majority of German citizens (63 %) consider swappable batteries to be better or much better suited than permanently installed batteries. This is the result of an Ipsos survey conducted by the TÜV Association among 2,500 people aged 16 and over. Only one in five (19 %) found the technology worse or much worse, according to the survey. 18 % answered "don't know".

In Europe, traction batteries are permanently installed in electric vehicles as standard. So far, major European and US carmakers have mainly relied on such built-in traction batteries. However, there is an alternative concept using swappable batteries. This is how it works: When the battery is empty, it is exchanged for a charged one at a specialized service station.

The interchangeable battery principle is particularly widespread in China. The Chinese electric carmaker Nio alone has already set up around 2,200 battery-swapping stations there and is currently operating 18 stations in Germany. In addition, according to the TÜV association, providers such as Aulton Dianba, the carmaker BYD and the battery manufacturer CATL are active in China with their own exchange stations. In Europe, the Stellantis Group is cooperating with the US provider Ample to promote exchange battery solutions in Europe as well.

Time Savings and Extended Lifespan

The swappable battery principle offers a number of advantages. "Swappable batteries in electric cars can be replaced in a matter of minutes. This means that long charging times would no longer be an issue", says Robin Zalwert, a consultant for sustainable mobility at the TÜV association. In particular, for the operators of larger vehicle fleets, exchange systems could be an interesting way to reduce vehicle downtime. This was investigated, for example, in the "eHaul" research project.

The model also has other advantages. "A major advantage of the exchange model is that the batteries can be charged very gently in the stations at low voltage", says Zalwert. "This has a strong influence on battery health and increases the longevity of the batteries." In addition, a detailed analysis of the battery condition is carried out with each battery change, which provides the customer with peace of mind. Providers advertise that car users always have the latest battery technology at their disposal. Ultimately, removable batteries are also easier to transfer to a second life and easier to recycle at the end of their service life.

In addition, the original price of an electric car without a battery is significantly lower – usually by 20 %. Consumers would also benefit from the decoupling of battery and car on the second-hand market, since a used car without a battery is much easier to evaluate, according to the TÜV association, because so far there are no uniform standards for determining the condition of the battery.

Availability and Standards are Slowing Down Expansion

The biggest obstacles on the way to swappable systems are uniform norms and standards, according to TÜV. "Standardized replacement battery systems across manufacturer boundaries do not yet exist. This would massively reduce the costs of setting up a nationwide infrastructure", says Zalwert.

Whether the concept of replacement batteries will also catch on outside China is still an open question. "The range of electric vehicles is increasing and the charging infrastructure is constantly being expanded", says Zalwert. "Depending on the battery and manufacturer, it is often already possible to charge batteries from 10 to 80 percent in less than 30 minutes." In addition, the further development of the solid-state battery promises a higher energy density, a greater range and shorter charging times.

This is a partly automated translation of this German article.


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