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2024 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

Bayesian Information Criteria in Learning Outcome: Evidence from Vietnam

Authors : Pham Xuan Giang, Bui Huy Khoi

Published in: Applications of Optimal Transport to Economics and Related Topics

Publisher: Springer Nature Switzerland

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The learning outcome of each student depends on a lot of factors: learning spirit, level of interest in learning, training, and taking part in activities to create the best environment for developing skills, improving their academic achievement, and the influence of the learning environment, work, teamwork, etc. The paper uses Bayesian Information Criteria in Learning Outcome: Evidence from Vietnam. The learning outcome is used to discover a research model comprising 06 factors: Facilities (FAC), Lecturer (LEC), University (UNI), Learning Motivation (MOT), Learning Method (LM), and Friend (FR). We collected a sample of 98 responses in the analysis. The results show that Lecturer (LEC), University (UNI), and Friend (FR) influence learning outcome (LO). From the research results, the author has given some implications to help managers improve learning outcomes. Previous studies revealed that using linear regression. This study uses the optimal choice of Bayesian Information Criteria.

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Bayesian Information Criteria in Learning Outcome: Evidence from Vietnam
Pham Xuan Giang
Bui Huy Khoi
Copyright Year