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2025 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

Behavior of Dual Pile Under Lateral Load: Experimental and FEM Analysis

Authors : Aman Tiwari, Nitin Dindorkar, Suneet Kaur

Published in: Proceedings of the Indian Geotechnical Conference 2022 Volume 10

Publisher: Springer Nature Singapore

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loading …


Apart from the vertical load of the superstructure, the pile may be subjected to lateral loads caused by earthquakes, wind and water currents, vehicle loads, etc. Negligence of this lateral load may be dangerous if the structure is going to experience lateral thrust in any way. In previous studies, a single pile has been examined under lateral load for different soil characteristics, where deflection and maximum bending moment were determined. In the present study, dual pile (two) is taken with spacing of 2.5D and considered as a single unit. Lateral load is applied at the top of the dual pile, which is connected with a pile cap (connection plate). Experimental data of deflection is collected with the help of strain gauges installed over the periphery of each pile. In PLAXIS 3D software, a FEM model of the same setup with soil pile condition is created and analyzed. Results from both analyses are in good agreement and show that as the slope increases, lateral load capacity of the assembly decreases.

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Behavior of Dual Pile Under Lateral Load: Experimental and FEM Analysis
Aman Tiwari
Nitin Dindorkar
Suneet Kaur
Copyright Year
Springer Nature Singapore