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2025 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

12. Beijing 2022 Olympic Winter Games, Sports Diplomacy or Climate Leadership?

Authors : Ana Bertha Cuevas Tello, José Jesús Bravo Vergara

Published in: Transition to a Safe Anthropocene in the Asia-Pacific

Publisher: Springer Nature Switzerland

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At the beginning of 2022, the People’s Republic of China (PRC) received international media attention for hosting the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympic Games. The organizers emphasized the importance of hosting a ‘green’ Olympics; however, environmental relevance was overshadowed by the United States’ diplomatic boycott of the sporting event and the presence of Vladimir Putin, at a time when threat of war with Ukraine was at its peak. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the foreign policy motivations behind the Winter Olympic Games in Beijing, 2022. The conclusion suggests that, by delivering a green Olympic Games, China sought to strengthen its international climate leadership. However, the hostile stance of the US towards the Olympics and Vladimir Putin’s support of the Chinese government undermined China’s aspirations to be observed by the international community as a committed champion in the fight against climate change.

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Zhenbao Island, for the Chinese, or Damansky Island, for the Soviets, on the Ussuri River.
The Taliban-led Afghan government refused to turn Bin Laden over as the US demanded, as well as other Al Qaeda leaders accused of the 9/11 attacks.
Color revolutions, also known as “a new round of regime change”, have been labeled as movements aimed at withdrawing from the Commonwealth of Independent States Treaty, but especially to undermine Russia’s influence and interference capacity (Splidsboel 2015, p. 74).
Also known as the Euromaidan of 2013.
The PRC and the rest of the SCO members have not backed Russia in the recognition of the independence of Abkhazia and South Ossetia (Blank 2008, p. 41).
Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs Sergey Lavrov said: “Russia thanks Beijing for a well-balanced and unbiased position on the Ukrainian crisis, as well as for China’s expressed understanding of all facets, including the historical aspects” (BBC News 2014).
Once the EU imposed sanctions, Russia started to seek alternatives in the Asian economies. On the one hand, it strengthened its commercial ties with the PRC, with which Russia has developed a close relationship for over two decades. Likewise, India has also taken advantage of the many Russian energy resources Europe used to consume before the war in Ukraine, and at a very reasonable price.
Russia, on the other hand, conducted a successful military intervention in Syria as an attempt to hold back Syrian extremist groups and moderate rebel groups (Freire/Heller 2018, 2–4).
Salt Lake City, 2002 was ranked best edition, while Sochi, 2014 and Rio de Janeiro, 2016 came last (Kampmark 2021).
Fascist paramilitary groups.
According to US officials, Russia is in such a bad state that it requested Chinese military and economic aid after launching its invasion of Ukraine (Forbes Staff 2022).
AUKUS is the acronym of Australia, United Kingdom and United States.
Disputes over these archipelagos constitute three conflicts between the PRC and other countries in the South China Sea.
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Beijing 2022 Olympic Winter Games, Sports Diplomacy or Climate Leadership?
Ana Bertha Cuevas Tello
José Jesús Bravo Vergara
Copyright Year