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2018 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

Big Data Analysis of Young Citizens’ Social and Political Behaviour and Resocialization Technics

Authors : Galina Nikiporets-Takigawa, Olga Lobazova

Published in: Digital Transformation and Global Society

Publisher: Springer International Publishing

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The paper is based on the experience of an ongoing project ‘Monitoring and prevention of antisocial behaviour of the young people based on Big Data and communication in social networks’ which is created and implemented by the authors with the aim to prevent politically and socially destructive behaviour of the Russian adolescences based on Big Data and the mediation in social networks. We describe the three stages of the project: educational (preparatory-organizational), analytical (information-prognostic) and mediating (social-pedagogical); and introduce the system ‘Social-political insider’ for the collecting, processing and the sentiment analysis of the data about the sphere of the interests, the interest groups, subcultures that are in high demand among the young people. Then we discuss the preliminary results of the first, educational, stage of the project and the special knowledge and skills which are essential for the project team. The importance of such projects which can create the well-trained teams of the professionals and to organize monitoring and modification of the social and political behaviour of young people on a systematic basis is emphasized at the state level as one of the tasks of the state youth policy.

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Big Data Analysis of Young Citizens’ Social and Political Behaviour and Resocialization Technics
Galina Nikiporets-Takigawa
Olga Lobazova
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