Issue 11/2024
Content (17 Articles)
Forest fragmentation and connectivity in South American dry forests
- Original Research
Carlos A. Rivas, Rafael M. Navarro-Cerrillo
Cross-boundary effects of human impacts on animal assemblages in the coastal zone
- Open Access
- Original Research
Jasmine A. Ballantyne, Christopher J. Henderson, Andrew D. Olds, Thomas A. Schlacher, Brittany B. Elliott, Ben L. Gilby
Identifying remnant biodiversity hotspots in Southern Asia reveals disequilibrium in mammalian communities
- Open Access
- Original Research
Caroline Charão Sartor, Zaneta Kaszta, Jan Kamler, Andrew J. Hearn, Eric Ash, Gilmoore Bolongon, Özgün Emre Can, Phan Channa, Susan Cheyne, Amy Fitzmaurice, Iding Achmad Haidir, Pyae Phyoe Kyaw, Matthew Scott Luskin, Priya Singh, Akchousanh Rasphone, Cedric Tan Kai Wei, Bhupendra Prasad Yadav, Samuel A. Cushman, David W. Macdonald
Factors driving human–elephant conflict: statistical assessment of vulnerability and implications for wildlife conflict management in Sri Lanka
- Open Access
- Original Research
Sören Köpke, Sisira S. Withanachchi, E. N. Chinthaka Perera, Chandana R. Withanachchi, Deepika U. Gamage, Thushantha S. Nissanka, Chinthana C. Warapitiya, Banu M. Nissanka, Nirangani N. Ranasinghe, Chathurika D. Senarathna, Hansani Ruwanthika Dissanayake, Ruwan Pathiranage, Christian Schleyer, Andreas Thiel
Using joint species distribution modelling to predict distributions of seafloor taxa and identify vulnerable marine ecosystems in New Zealand waters
- Open Access
- Original Research
Fabrice Stephenson, David A. Bowden, Ashley A. Rowden, Owen F. Anderson, Malcolm R. Clark, Matthew Bennion, Brittany Finucci, Matt H. Pinkerton, Savannah Goode, Caroline Chin, Niki Davey, Alan Hart, Rob Stewart
The habitat breadth of phyllostomid bats is partially determined by their diet and could be used as a predictor of extinction risk
- Original Research
Jorge D. Carballo-Morales, Federico Villalobos, Romeo A. Saldaña-Vázquez, Leonel Herrera-Alsina
Correction: The habitat breadth of phyllostomid bats is partially determined by their diet and could be used as a predictor of extinction risk
- Correction
Jorge D. Carballo-Morales, Federico Villalobos, Romeo A. Saldaña-Vázquez, Leonel Herrera-Alsina
The influence of conservation policies and legislations on communities in Tanzania
- Open Access
- Original Research
Juma J. Kegamba, Kamaljit K. Sangha, Penelope A.S. Wurm, Jafari R. Kideghesho, Stephen T. Garnett
Recovering connectivity through restoration corridors in a fragmented landscape in the magdalena river’s valley in Colombia
- Open Access
- Original Research
Andrés Montes-Rojas, Nicolás Alejandro José Delgado-Morales, Rafael S. Escucha, Laura C. Siabatto, Andrés Link
Large-scale changes in the distribution of suitable habitat of the endangered subtropical canopy tree species Vatica guangxiensis under climate change
- Original Research
Wenji Luo, Ralph Sedricke Lapuz, Alison K.S. Wee
Research on ecological network identification in rare animal habitats based on the MaxEnt model and ant colony algorithm: a case study of Giant Panda National Park, China
- Original Research
Xiaoling Qiu, Wei He, Shiwei Zheng
Integrating habitat suitability modeling with gene flow improves delineation of landscape connections among African savanna elephants
- Original Research
Alida de Flamingh, Nathan Alexander, Tolulope I. N. Perrin-Stowe, Cassidy Donnelly, Robert A. R. Guldemond, Robert L. Schooley, Rudi J. van Aarde, Alfred L. Roca
Principal determinants of aquatic macroinvertebrate communities in small shallow lakes and ponds
- Original Research
Frédéric Labat, Gabrielle Thiébaut, Christophe Piscart
Plant species richness in intensively managed temperate wet grasslands: current state and the importance of edge habitats
- Open Access
- Original Research
Christoph Leuschner, Sally Lott, Anja Schmitz, Julia Wellinghoff, Martin Komainda, Johannes Isselstein
Social and biological impact of oil palm (Elaeis guineensis) plantations in the Eastern Brazilian Amazon
- Original Research
Adriana P. Manhães, Flávia Rocha, Tatiana Souza, Karoline Marques, Leandro Juen, Luciano Montag, Bruno Coutinho
Living with jungle giants: human-elephant dynamics and coexistence alternatives in the transboundary Landscape of Kangchenjunga
- Original Research
Kesang Wangchuk, Janita Gurung, Sanjeeb Pradhan, Namgay Wangchuk, Kencho Rigzin, Sarala Khaling
Conservation of the diversity of shade-tolerant plants of agricultural mosaics in the eastern Amazon
- Original Research
Isamara Reis Silva, Izildinha Souza Miranda, Graciliano Galdino Alves Santos, Igor Do Vale, Salustiano Vilar Costa Neto, Tamara Thaiz Santana Lima, Luiz Gonzaga Silva Costa, Danielle Mitja