Issue 12/2024 Special Issue: Biodiversity and Climate Change in India - Sustainable Development Perspective
Content (11 Articles)
Biodiversity responses to climate change – a sustainable development perspective from India
- Editorial
M. D. Behera, A. A. Khuroo, S. K. Palita, S. K. Barik
Studies on earthworm diversity with respect to soil properties in different land use systems in Koraput region of the Eastern Ghats, India
- Original Research
Ayusmita Naik, Anirban Mahata, Sharat Kumar Palita
Data synthesis for biodiversity science: a database on plant diversity of the Indian Himalayan Region
- Original Research
Sajad Ahmad Wani, Anzar Ahmad Khuroo, Nowsheena Zaffar, Safoora Rafiqi, Iram Farooq, Shahida Afzal, Irfan Rashid
A systematic review on the potential impact of future climate change on India’s biodiversity using species distribution model (SDM) studies: trends, and data gaps
- Review Paper
Debanjan Sarkar, Jagannivsan Haritha, Anindita Debnath, Gautam Talukdar
The composition and phenology of butterflies are determined by their functional trait in Indian tropical dry forests
- Original Research
Anirban Mahata, Ayusmita Naik, Sharat Kumar Palita
Predicting tipping points of vegetation resilience as a response to precipitation: Implications for understanding impacts of climate change in India
- Original Research
Pulakesh Das, Mukunda Dev Behera, Parth Sarathi Roy, Saroj Kanta Barik
Characterization of tropical forests at community level: combining spectral, phenological, structural datasets using random forest algorithm
- Original Research
Jayant Singhal, Ankur Rajwadi, Guljar Malek, Padamnabhi S. Nagar, G. Rajashekar, C. Sudhakar Reddy, S. K. Srivastav
Vulnerability assessment of Taxus wallichiana in the Indian Himalayan Region to future climate change using species niche models and global climate models under future climate scenarios
- Original Research
R. Tiwary, P. P. Singh, D. Adhikari, Mukund D. Behera, S. K. Barik
Predicting the patterns of plant species distribution under changing climate in major biogeographic zones of mainland India
- Original Research
Poonam Tripathi, Mukunda Dev Behera, Parth Sarathi Roy
Spatial and seasonal patterns of temperature lapse rate along elevation transects leading to treelines in different climate regimes of the Himalaya
- Original Research
Rajesh Joshi, Ninchhen Dolma Tamang, Wagmare Balraju, S. P. Singh
Integrated use of field sensors, PhenoCam, and satellite data for pheno-phase monitoring in a tropical deciduous forest of Dalma Wildlife Sanctuary, Jharkhand, India: initial results from the Indian Phenology Network
- Original Research
C. Jeganathan, Beependra Singh, C. P. Singh, M. D. Behera, Sanjay Srivastava, S. R. Natesha, Kulwant Singh, Rajiv Ranjan, Maun Prakash, Abhishek Kumar, M. R. Pandya, B. K. Bhattacharya, A. P. Krishna, Mili Ghosh Nee Lala, V. S. Rathore, Nitish Kumar Sinha, Kiran Choudhary, Mallika Bhuyan, Sumedha Surbhi Singh, Preeti Sardar