Issue 8-9/2024
Content (22 Articles)
Changes in epiphytic lichen diversity along the urban-rural gradient before, during, and after the acid rain period
- Open Access
- Review Paper
Yngvar Gauslaa
Diversity and turnover in moth assemblages in rainforests on a remote oceanic island
- Open Access
- Review Paper
R. L. Kitching, C. Wenda, J. Rochat, C. Thébaud, D. Strasberg, K. Vogiatzis, S. Xing, L. A. Ashton
Diversity, distribution and need of urgent conservation of endemic plants in Himalaya
- Original Research
Himani Tiwari, K. Chandra Sekar, Aseesh Pandey, Ashutosh Tiwari, Pooja Mehta, K. S. Kanwal, Dhani Arya
Assessing the conservation and restoration potential of biotopes in a central European region
- Open Access
- Original Research
Sven Rubanschi, Christian Hof, Wolfgang W. Weisser, Sebastian T. Meyer
Standardized transect walks outperform pan traps in assessing wild bee community in a Mediterranean protected area (Asinara National Park, Italy)
- Open Access
- Original Research
Matteo Lezzeri, Vanessa Lozano, Giuseppe Brundu, Ignazio Floris, Michelina Pusceddu, Marino Quaranta, Alberto Satta
The role of sheltered habitats in biodiversity conservation of species sensitive to drought: a case study using ground beetles (Coleoptera, Carabidae) in the Gorongosa National Park
- Open Access
- Original Research
Martim Baptista, Rui Carvalho, Mário Boieiro, Marie Bartz, Sara Mendes, Sérgio Timóteo, Henrique M.V.S. Azevedo-Pereira, Joana Alves, António Alves da Silva, Maria J.I. Briones, Artur R.M. Serrano, José Paulo Sousa, Pedro Martins da Silva
Landscape matrix and substrate jointly shape the trait composition of true bug (Heteroptera) communities in drainage ditches
- Open Access
- Original Research
Jelena Šeat, Attila Torma, Zoltán Bátori, Miloš Popović, Csaba Tölgyesi
Assessing landscape-level effects of permanent grassland management and landscape configuration on open-land butterflies based on national monitoring data
- Open Access
- Original Research
Toni Kasiske, Jens Dauber, Petra Dieker, Alexander Harpke, Sebastian Klimek, Elisabeth Kühn, Christian Levers, Marcel Schwieder, Josef Settele, Martin Musche
Anthropogenic city noise affects the vocalizations of key forest birds
- Original Research
Rocío Bahía, Sergio A. Lambertucci, Karina L. Speziale
Influence of human emotions on conservation attitudes toward relevant wildlife species in El Triunfo Biosphere Reserve, Mexico
- Original Research
Nathalia M. Castillo-Huitrón, Eduardo J. Naranjo, Dídac Santos-Fita, Mateo Peñaherrera-Aguirre, Pavol Prokop, Rodrigo Cisneros, Silvia Vaca Gallegos, Zuzana Ježová
Updating knowledge of vegetation belts on a complex oceanic island after 20 years under the effect of climate change
- Open Access
- Original Research
Juan José García-Alvarado, Víctor Bello-Rodríguez, Juana María González-Mancebo, Marcelino José Del Arco
Mining exploration infrastructure affects biophysical habitat characteristics and ground-dwelling arthropod communities
- Open Access
- Original Research
Kristen Fernandes, Sophia Clark-Ioannou, Benjamin J. Saunders, Jonathan Majer, Philip W. Bateman, Michael Bunce, Paul Nevill
Land use intensification has extensive effects on the functional and phylogenetic diversity of neotropical ant communities
- Original Research
Heraldo L. Vasconcelos, Karen C. Neves, Jésica Vieira, Raquel L. Carvalho
Endangered giant kelp forests support similar fish and macroinvertebrate communities to sympatric stipitate kelp forests
- Open Access
- Original Research
Hunter Forbes, Elisabeth M. A. Strain, Scott Bennett, Scott D. Ling, Cayne Layton
Genetic erosion in a tropical tree species demonstrates the need to conserve wide-ranging germplasm amid extreme habitat fragmentation
- Open Access
- Original Research
A. Phang, M.A. Niissalo, M. Ruhsam, F.F. Pezzini, W.L. Neo, D.F.R.P. Burslem, D.J. Middleton, P. Wilkie, G.S. Khew
Beyond biophobia: positive appraisal of bats among German residents during the COVID-19 pandemic - with consequences for conservation intentions
- Open Access
- Original Research
Tanja M. Straka, Joanna L. Coleman, Ewan A. Macdonald, Svea Rogge, Tigga Kingston, Maarten H. Jacobs
The agricultural transformation of Brazil’s Cerrado is influencing the diversity and distribution of tadpoles via lentification
- Original Research
Kimberly A. With, Werther P. Ramalho, Tanner McIntosh, Luciana Signorelli
Backing biodiversity: understanding nature conservation behaviour and policy support in Australia
- Open Access
- Original Research
Kim Borg, Melissa Hatty, Christoph Klebl, Susilo Wibisono, Liam Smith, Winnifred Louis, Angela J. Dean
Antarctica is less isolated with increasing depth - evidence from pycnogonids
- Open Access
- Original Research
Jamie Maxwell, Huw Griffiths, A. Louise Allcock
The conservation status of the Cretan endemic Arthropods under Natura 2000 network
- Original Research
Giannis Bolanakis, Savvas Paragkamian, Maria Chatzaki, Nefeli Kotitsa, Liubitsa Kardaki, Apostolos Trichas
Turning the threat of hybridization into an asset for conserving wild species by backcrossing
- Letter to the Editor
Stefan Graf
Correction: Surveys that prioritize site number over time per site will result in better gastropod status assessments: a case study on the rediscovery of Big Black Rocksnail
- Open Access
- Correction
Calvin R. Rezac, Robert J. Ellwanger, Samantha A. Donohoo, Paul D. Hartfield, Ashley S. Ruppel, David S. Ruppel, Matthew D. Wagner, Nathan V. Whelan