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2025 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

Bit-Security Preserving Hardness Amplification

Authors : Shun Watanabe, Kenji Yasunaga

Published in: Theory of Cryptography

Publisher: Springer Nature Switzerland

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Hardness amplification is one of the important reduction techniques in cryptography, and it has been extensively studied in the literature. The standard XOR lemma known in the literature evaluates the hardness in terms of the probability of correct prediction; the hardness is amplified from mildly hard (close to 1) to very hard \(1/2 + \varepsilon \) by inducing \(\varepsilon ^2\) multiplicative decrease of the circuit size. Translating such a statement in terms of the bit-security framework introduced by Micciancio-Walter (EUROCRYPT 2018) and Watanabe-Yasunaga (ASIACRYPT 2021), it may cause a bit-security loss of \(\log (1/\varepsilon )\). To resolve this issue, we derive a new variant of the XOR lemma in terms of the Rényi advantage, which directly characterizes the bit security. In the course of proving this result, we prove a new variant of the hardcore lemma in terms of the conditional squared advantage; our proof uses a boosting algorithm that may output the \(\bot \) symbol in addition to 0 and 1, which may be of independent interest.

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Generally, the CS advantage is bounded above by the Rényi advantage. While the CS advantage may take a much smaller value in some cases, the CS advantage can be increased to the level of the Rényi advantage by modifying adversaries appropriately.
The symbol \(\bot \) indicates that the adversary gives up the prediction.
More precisely, this statement assumes that the cost of a weighted majority gate can be ignored. Indeed, if \(s = \omega (\log (1/\delta )/\varepsilon ^2)\), the cost is negligible; See Remark 1 for discussion.
Note that since there is a renormalization procedure, the updated probabilities of those symbols may be changed.
The latter was attributed to Nisan.
More precisely, the CS advantage in (5) is for a predictor; on the other hand, when we define the bit security, we consider the CS advantage for a distinguisher (cf. (27)). The CS advantage for a predictor was first introduced in the context of the Goldreich-Levin algorithm [17].
By the Taylor approximation, we have
$$\begin{aligned} e^{-\theta } \le 1 - \theta + \sup _{-1 \le \tau \le 1} \frac{e^{-\tau }}{2} \theta ^2 \le 1 - \theta + \frac{e}{2} \theta ^2 \le 1 - \theta + 2 \theta ^2 \end{aligned}$$
Such a naive implementation of the weighted majority has been studied in the circuit complexity [9].
It comes from the fact that the majority can be realized by a circuit of linear size of inputs [41].
In [32], the authors first introduced an advantage using the Shannon entropy and the mutual information; then, in order to justify the definition (28), they discussed that that advantage is approximated by the CS advantage.
In this paper, we focus on the circuit size.
Here, the support is the set of realizations that occur with positive probability.
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Bit-Security Preserving Hardness Amplification
Shun Watanabe
Kenji Yasunaga
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