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2025 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

Brain-ID: Learning Contrast-Agnostic Anatomical Representations for Brain Imaging

Authors : Peirong Liu, Oula Puonti, Xiaoling Hu, Daniel C. Alexander, Juan E. Iglesias

Published in: Computer Vision – ECCV 2024

Publisher: Springer Nature Switzerland

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Recent learning-based approaches have made astonishing advances in calibrated medical imaging like computerized tomography (CT). Yet, they struggle to generalize in uncalibrated modalities – notably magnetic resonance (MR) imaging, where performance is highly sensitive to the differences in MR contrast, resolution, and orientation. This prevents broad applicability to diverse real-world clinical protocols. We introduce Brain-ID, an anatomical representation learning model for brain imaging. With the proposed “mild-to-severe” intra-subject generation, Brain-ID is robust to the subject-specific brain anatomy regardless of the appearance of acquired images. Trained entirely on synthetic inputs, Brain-ID readily adapts to various downstream tasks through one layer. We present new metrics to validate the intra/inter-subject robustness of Brain-ID features, and evaluate their performance on four downstream applications, covering contrast-independent (anatomy reconstruction, brain segmentation), and contrast-dependent (super-resolution, bias field estimation) tasks (Fig. 1). Extensive experiments on six public datasets demonstrate that Brain-ID achieves state-of-the-art performance in all tasks on different MR contrasts and CT, and more importantly, preserves its performance on low-resolution and small datasets. Code is available at https://​github.​com/​peirong26/​Brain-ID.

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Brain-ID: Learning Contrast-Agnostic Anatomical Representations for Brain Imaging
Peirong Liu
Oula Puonti
Xiaoling Hu
Daniel C. Alexander
Juan E. Iglesias
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