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2021 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

31. Brazil’s Innovation Ecosystems: The Role of Cultural Factors

Authors : Luiz Marcio Spinosa, Rosana Silveira Reis, Marcos Muller Schlemm

Published in: The Palgrave Handbook of Workplace Innovation

Publisher: Springer International Publishing

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Brazil is the ninth largest economy in the world and has been driving substantial efforts to develop new paths for socioeconomic development. The creation and consolidation of innovation ecosystems is one path. Unlocking barriers to foster a culture of entrepreneurship and innovation remains a primary challenge. This chapter contributes to an understanding of the cultural factors that might inhibit these developments. Selected innovative ecosystems in Brazil are subjected to context-based analysis in light of detailed constructs established in studies of America’s Silicon Valley. Our main conclusion is that Brazil has the basic cultural conditions to foster innovation, but the necessary cultural factors are not yet fully developed or structured in an integrated way.

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Brazil’s Innovation Ecosystems: The Role of Cultural Factors
Luiz Marcio Spinosa
Rosana Silveira Reis
Marcos Muller Schlemm
Copyright Year
Springer International Publishing

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