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2020 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

Building a Competitive Associative Classifier

Authors : Nitakshi Sood, Osmar Zaiane

Published in: Big Data Analytics and Knowledge Discovery

Publisher: Springer International Publishing

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With the huge success of deep learning, other machine learning paradigms have had to take back seat. Yet other models, particularly rule-based, are more readable and explainable and can even be competitive when labelled data is not abundant. However, most of the existing rule-based classifiers suffer from the production of a large number of classification rules, affecting the model readability. This hampers the classification accuracy as noisy rules might not add any useful information for classification and also lead to longer classification time. In this study, we propose SigD2 which uses a novel, two-stage pruning strategy which prunes most of the noisy, redundant and uninteresting rules and makes the classification model more accurate and readable. To make SigDirect more competitive with the most prevalent but uninterpretable machine learning-based classifiers like neural networks and support vector machines, we propose bagging and boosting on the ensemble of the SigDirect classifier. The results of the proposed algorithms are quite promising and we are able to obtain a minimal set of statistically significant rules for classification without jeopardizing the classification accuracy. We use 15 UCI datasets and compare our approach with eight existing systems. The SigD2 and boosted SigDirect (ACboost) ensemble model outperform various state-of-the-art classifiers not only in terms of classification accuracy but also in terms of the number of rules.

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Building a Competitive Associative Classifier
Nitakshi Sood
Osmar Zaiane
Copyright Year

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