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2024 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

2. Building Capability for Knowledge Creation: A Symbolic Interaction Analysis of Capacity Building Engagements of Women in a Community Setting

Authors : Alvie Simonette Q. Alip, Isabel B. Franco

Published in: Gender Aspects of Climate Change and Sustainable Development

Publisher: Springer Nature Singapore

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The individual and organizational potentials for sustainable community development can be maximized through the local government units’ (LGUs) capacity building engagements for knowledge creation. Women contribute significantly to such a knowledge creation process. In this process, the meaning of capacity building for a sustainable learning community gets created in interaction between the women administrators and the community. However, women’s participation and leadership potential are often overlooked. This chapter contributes to the documentation of women as able community leaders in building capability for knowledge creation. Moreover, the results of this study can be used to expand the discourse for building a sustainable learning community through capacity building.

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Building Capability for Knowledge Creation: A Symbolic Interaction Analysis of Capacity Building Engagements of Women in a Community Setting
Alvie Simonette Q. Alip
Isabel B. Franco
Copyright Year
Springer Nature Singapore