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2024 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

Can a Robot Collaborate with Alpana Artists? A Concept Design of an Alpana Painting Robot

Authors : Farhad Ahmed, Zarin Tasnim, Zerin Tasnim, Mohammad Shidujaman, Salah Uddin Ahmed

Published in: Social Robotics

Publisher: Springer Nature Singapore

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The possibility of robots working along with Alpana artist is a developing field of research at the point of intersection between technology and traditional art. Alpana painters have the skill and creativity necessary for the delicate design process, but robots can execute these designs with greater accuracy and efficiency. In this kind of collaboration, artists would develop ideas for the Alpana, and robots would speed up the drawing. This combination makes sure that even when technology aids in the expression of Alpana art, its heart and soul remain human. Combining human creativity and robotic accuracy has the potential to produce a harmonious combination that embraces current achievements while retaining tradition. A growing natural process that respects tradition while embracing innovation is fostered by this mix of tradition and technology. The paper's contributions are its investigation of human-robot collaboration in Alpana art, its presentation of a conceptual Alpana painting robot, and its emphasis on maintaining cultural legacy while accepting technology progress.

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Can a Robot Collaborate with Alpana Artists? A Concept Design of an Alpana Painting Robot
Farhad Ahmed
Zarin Tasnim
Zerin Tasnim
Mohammad Shidujaman
Salah Uddin Ahmed
Copyright Year
Springer Nature Singapore

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