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09-02-2023 | Review Paper

Can artificial intelligence’s limitations drive innovative work behaviour?

Author: Araz Zirar

Published in: Review of Managerial Science | Issue 6/2023

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Artificial intelligence (AI) is deemed to increase workers’ productivity by enhancing their creative abilities and acting as a general-purpose tool for innovation. While much is known about AI’s ability to create value through innovation, less is known about how AI’s limitations drive innovative work behaviour (IWB). With AI’s limits in perspective, innovative work behaviour might serve as workarounds to compensate for AI limitations. Therefore, the guiding research question is: How will AI limitations, rather than its apparent transformational strengths, drive workers’ innovative work behaviour in a workplace? A search protocol was employed to identify 65 articles based on relevant keywords and article selection criteria using the Scopus database. The thematic analysis suggests several themes: (i) Robots make mistakes, and such mistakes stimulate workers’ IWB, (ii) AI triggers ‘fear’ in workers, and this ‘fear’ stimulates workers’ IWB, (iii) Workers are reskilled and upskilled to compensate for AI limitations, (iv) AI interface stimulates worker engagement, (v) Algorithmic bias requires IWB, and (vi) AI works as a general-purpose tool for IWB. In contrast to prior reviews, which generally focus on the apparent transformational strengths of AI in the workplace, this review primarily identifies AI limitations before suggesting that the limitations could also drive innovative work behaviour. Propositions are included after each theme to encourage future research.

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Can artificial intelligence’s limitations drive innovative work behaviour?
Araz Zirar
Publication date
Springer Berlin Heidelberg
Published in
Review of Managerial Science / Issue 6/2023
Print ISSN: 1863-6683
Electronic ISSN: 1863-6691

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