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03-11-2023 | Original Paper

Can ChatGPT Pass Graduate-Level Instructional Design assignments? Potential Implications of Artificial Intelligence in Education and a Call to Action

Authors: Bruce Parsons, John H. Curry

Published in: TechTrends | Issue 1/2024

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This article investigates an artificial intelligence language model, ChatGPT, and its ability to complete graduate-level instructional design assignments. The approach subjected ChatGPT to a needs, task, and learner analysis for a 12th-grade media literacy module and benchmarked its performance by expert evaluation and measurements via grading rubrics. Initial results show ChatGPT’s ability to write graduate-level instructional design assignments but with some challenges and frustration in the bot's ability to customize for location and school-specifics. Key benefits of the findings include new ways to challenge instructional design students, faculty customization of future assignments, and the potential of AI as a collaboration tool in the instructional design and educational process.
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Can ChatGPT Pass Graduate-Level Instructional Design assignments? Potential Implications of Artificial Intelligence in Education and a Call to Action
Bruce Parsons
John H. Curry
Publication date
Springer US
Published in
TechTrends / Issue 1/2024
Print ISSN: 8756-3894
Electronic ISSN: 1559-7075

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