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2023 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

Capital Asset Pricing: An Easy and Unified Solution

Author : Zhiqiang Zhang

Published in: Fundamental Problems and Solutions in Finance

Publisher: Springer Nature Singapore

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This chapter tries to solve the discount rate for equity, or equity pricing. Based on the models derived in Chapters “Certainty Equivalent, Risk Premium and Asset Pricing” and “Debt/​Loan Risk, Bankruptcy Cost and Debt/​Loan Pricing”, it is relatively easy to solve the problem. In the process, we find another easier way to work out the discount rate model for total capital, which can confirm each other with the reasoning in Chapter “Certainty Equivalent, Risk Premium and Asset Pricing”. Finally, a unified solution to capital asset pricing is built up, that is, a discount rate model series for debt, equity and total capital—all three models have unified structure (risk free rate + risk premium), based on the same risk measurement (company volatility) as well as unified concept and logic. Literally, our solution to discount rate or asset pricing is the fundamental solution. Based on such a solution, most issues concerning discount rate can be solved or answered. As examples, we further solve some related problems, such as the comprehensive application of ZZ growth model and ZZ CAPM, the relationships among the three discount rates, the long run tendency of the discount rates. The tendency of the discount rates has been hotly debated but can be solved soundly with our discount rate models.

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It is often believed that conclusion needs support from data; the more data, the more convincing. As a matter of fact, data is also a resource and perhaps cost as well. For the same conclusion, the less data, the better. The reason is obvious: less data usually means less work load of research or the high efficiency of research; while less data also means the saving of reading time as well as cost or higher reading efficiency of readers. On the other hand, whether a conclusion is more convincing is usually determined by the logic behind. The reason is again obvious, the strict or correct logic represents total (correct) data, which is bigger than any sample data as well as any big data. Therefore, here as well as in other places in this book, we try to derive conclusion based on strict reasoning and necessary data rather than only the past incomplete data with unknown mistakes.
Which is equivalent to 100% or complete positive corelated.
The volatility of the debt can also be high when the leverage level is high. We shall not do numerical illustration further here since it is easy to understand.
Rather than bonds with guarantees, or bonds embedded options like convertible bonds, callable bonds, etc.
The capital cost in their paper is actually the reasonable or fair capital cost, which is equivalent to the discount rate.
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Capital Asset Pricing: An Easy and Unified Solution
Zhiqiang Zhang
Copyright Year
Springer Nature Singapore

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