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2024 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

Carbon Discourse, Climate Governance, and Audit Fees

Authors : Chengruizhi Ma, Yifei Bi

Published in: Climate Governance and Corporate Eco-innovation

Publisher: Springer Nature Switzerland

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This chapter provides readers with empirical evidence on whether the audit fees would be affected by the firms’ carbon disclosure. The findings show that firms disclosing carbon emission information can significantly reduce audit fees. Further analysis reveals that the state-owned firms’ disclosure of carbon emissions has a more significant impact on audit fees than non-state-owned firms. In addition, the following industries drive the primary results: scientific research and technology services and metal, nonmetal, and machinery.

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‘A’ represents agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry, and fishery. ‘B’ represents mining. ‘C’ represents manufacturing (‘C1’: food, clothing, textile; ‘C2’: Furniture, printing, paper making, petroleum, chemistry; ‘C3’: Metal, nonmetal, machinery; ‘C4’: Instruments, equipment). ‘D’ represents the electricity, heat, gas, and water production and supply industry. ‘E’ represents the construction industry. ‘F’ represents wholesale and retail; ‘G’ means transportation, warehousing, and postal services. ‘H’ represents the accommodation and catering industry. ‘I’ represents Information transfer, software and information technology services. ‘J’ represents finance. ‘K’ represents real estate. ‘L’ represents rental and business services. ‘M’ represents scientific research and technology services. ‘N’ represents water conservancy, environment and public facilities management. ‘O’ describes residential services, repairs, and other services. ‘P’ represents education. ‘Q’ represents health and social work. ‘R’ represents culture, sports, and entertainment industry. ‘S’ represents comprehensive.
We exclude the financial industry because the regulation differs from other sectors.
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Carbon Discourse, Climate Governance, and Audit Fees
Chengruizhi Ma
Yifei Bi
Copyright Year