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2019 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

Carbon Footprint Accounting in Freight Transport: Training Needs

Authors : Susana Val, Beatriz Royo, Carolina Ciprés

Published in: Towards User-Centric Transport in Europe

Publisher: Springer International Publishing

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Carbon footprint accounting is becoming a topic of great interest, with special relevance in the freight transport sector. That is not only due to environmental concerns but also to regulations and marketing issues (i.e. brand image, competition or internal procedures for a better development). This Chapter shows that there is no extended knowledge on how to implement common methodologies in the transport sector. Training is crucial, even when using one of the common standards, as depending on the different stages while implementing the methodology, results may differ. Therefore, the transport sector is facing a lack of training and education on the field, and this Chapter intends to provide some of the current requirements that the market is demanding on carbon footprint accounting.

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Carbon Footprint Accounting in Freight Transport: Training Needs
Susana Val
Beatriz Royo
Carolina Ciprés
Copyright Year

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