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2025 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

Carbonated Wollastonite as Supplementary Cementitious Material for Cement and Concrete

Authors : Frank Winnefeld, Andreas Leemann

Published in: Proceedings of the RILEM Spring Convention and Conference 2024

Publisher: Springer Nature Switzerland

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Carbonated wollastonite is a potential novel supplementary cementitious material. Because of the limited natural reserves only industrially manufactured wollastonite, which can be produced in conventional cement kilns from limestone and a silica source, emitting 30% less CO2 than PC clinker, is of global interest. Upon carbonation, a silica-rich amorphous phase and calcite form. In blends with Portland cement, early hydration is accelerated, and the silica-rich amorphous phase shows a pozzolanic reaction. This participation in the cement hydration reactions leads to a positive contribution to compressive strength.

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Carbonated Wollastonite as Supplementary Cementitious Material for Cement and Concrete
Frank Winnefeld
Andreas Leemann
Copyright Year