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2025 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

6. Challenges and Practical Considerations Towards Resilient Cultural Heritage

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This chapter expands the preceding discussions by exploring the (disaster) risk management debates. It observes the actual challenges toward resilient cultural heritage and communities in both heritage and (disaster) risk management fields in order to explore the global landscape of risk by instrumentalizing the potential or advances mainly from the (disaster) risk management field in the heritage field. By looking into the paradigm shift toward the dynamic nature of systemic risk, particularly for cultural heritage, this chapter opens possible ways of managing such systemic risk within strengthening risk governance for an integrated framework of effective cultural heritage disaster risk management. To do so, it explores some of the most significant challenges in building resilient cultural heritage by risk governance/management and, thus, more precisely, places them in other categories of gaps already defined in the previous chapters. And, it concludes with a handful of practical considerations and reflections in which the ways to foster risk-informed decision-making, risk prevention/reduction, and emergency response/recovery actions via systematic integration of culture in a broader risk management framework are being entertained toward oping a window for strong policy, regulatory framework, and governance in the heritage sector.

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Challenges and Practical Considerations Towards Resilient Cultural Heritage
Mehrnaz Rajabi
Copyright Year