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28-12-2022 | Technical Article

Characterizations and Kinetics of Refractory Niobium Carbide Coatings on AISI D3 Steel

Authors: Ali Günen, Hasan Hüseyin Açıkgöz, Mourad Keddam, İsmail Hakki Karahan

Published in: Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance | Issue 19/2023

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Niobium carbide (NbC) coatings were carried out by means of the thermo-reactive diffusion (TRD) on AISI D3 cold work tool steel, in the powder mixture composed of 25 wt.% ferro-niobium, 70 wt.% alumina and 7.5 wt.% ammonium chloride at 1173, 1273 and 1373 K for 2, 4 and 6 h. NbC coatings were inspected with scanning electron microscopy, x-ray diffractometer, Vickers micro-hardness testing. Homogeneous, crack-free and uniform NbC coatings with 8.75-17.10 µm thickness and 1586-2263 HV0.025 hardness were obtained on AISI D3 steel by TRD process. The integral method-based model was used for studying the carbon diffusion by forming NbC coatings. The value of 45.93 kJ mol−1 was determined as the necessary activation energy required for the niobizing process of AISI D3 steel.

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Characterizations and Kinetics of Refractory Niobium Carbide Coatings on AISI D3 Steel
Ali Günen
Hasan Hüseyin Açıkgöz
Mourad Keddam
İsmail Hakki Karahan
Publication date
Springer US
Published in
Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance / Issue 19/2023
Print ISSN: 1059-9495
Electronic ISSN: 1544-1024

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