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2019 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

Charging Tariffs for Electric Vehicles and the Possibility of Flexible Charging Tariffs to Optimize the Charging Infrastructure

Authors : Philipp Kutter, Andrea Lochmahr

Published in: Digitalen Wandel gestalten

Publisher: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden

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The mobility of the future will be electric – this fact is more certain than ever before. But the mass adoption of clean and electric transportation systems will not happen overnight. It requires a comprehensive and powerful charging infrastructure first and it has to be profitable for the owner to operate a station. To improve the current charging infrastructure, innovative ways of setting charging tariffs are presented in this article. The objective is to optimize the user-experience for drivers of electric vehicles and simultaneously maximize the profit for owners by ensuring a stable energy grid and the availability of charging stations whenever and wherever needed. To reach this, simple laws of economic sciences are combined with the possibilities of digitization. The developed best practice of setting tariffs not only helps to build a comprehensive charging infrastructure, it also encourages the use of electric vehicles as a medium to store huge amounts of over capacities produced by renewable energy sources thus solving a number of issues concerning the energy revolution.

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Charging Tariffs for Electric Vehicles and the Possibility of Flexible Charging Tariffs to Optimize the Charging Infrastructure
Philipp Kutter
Andrea Lochmahr
Copyright Year
Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden

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