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2024 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

Chronology of a Global Agenda: The Construction of the Concept of Sustainable Development and the Definition of Its Dimensions

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The term sustainable development has become, in recent years, commonplace in any socioeconomic debate. A government and business marketing tool, as well as a challenge for economists and policymakers. Nonetheless, despite its widespread use and significant popularity, the concept remains somewhat ambiguous, with short-sighted interpretations regarding its definition, origins, and dimensions. This article aims to (re)position the debate on the issue of sustainable development, examining the origins and construction of this concept through the analysis of its historical evolution. It also presents and discusses its key conceptual dimensions, originally introduced in the nineties through the tripod (i) social justice, (ii) environmental protection, and (iii) economic efficiency, until its later expansion with the introduction of two more pillars of sustainability: (iv) cultural diversity, and (v) institutional capacity. This is done through an extensive literature review and content analysis of foundational documents and significant events that played a crucial role in shaping the concept of sustainable development. The article concludes and argues that the understanding of sustainable development has changed and evolved from a narrow view focused only on economic growth and environmental protection to a broader understanding that must also encompass social, cultural, and institutional aspects.

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Original text in Portuguese entitled: “O desenvolvimento Sustentavel e a Cidade”.
Translation of the Portuguese made by the author. All translations of quotes included in this article, originally in a language other than English, are made by the author.
The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) was established by a group of scientists affiliated with the United Nations (UN). Its objective was to assist societies worldwide in the conservation of nature, ensuring that all uses of natural resources were equitable and ecologically sustainable.
Conference, held in Lake Success, USA, pioneering in promoting global ecological awareness. With a practical nature, it was an ecological conservation initiative that took place within the academic, scientific, and political spheres, setting a precedent for subsequent conferences.
Theories based on Fordism-Keynesianism, which predicted constant growth coupled with strong state intervention through the maintenance of social rights and benefits.
Initially, these basic principles would be applied primarily to underdeveloped countries, as precisely these regions and their population were most affected by predatory and polluting development.
The term ‘third sector’ refers to organizations that are neither part of the government (public sector) nor driven by profit-making motives (private sector). It includes non-profit organizations, voluntary and community groups, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), charities, social enterprises, and other similar entities.
Political organizations that prioritize environmental sustainability, ecological responsibility, and social justice as core principles of their ideology and policy agenda.
In his defence, Lawrence Summers claims that the memorandum was written by a young economist working for him, and that after a quick reading, he co-signed the document in order to stimulate internal debate.
A new concept—a revised and evolving concept—of sustainable development in the sense that it now encompasses social, environmental, and economic aspects.
Where representatives from 179 countries and 100 heads of states were present.
The Earth Summit also refers to all the environmental-oriented conferences organized by the United Nations every ten years, starting with Stockholm-72 (e.g., Nairobi-82; Rio-92; Johannesburg-02; and Rio-12, also known as Rio + 20).
Two objectives directly address both the environmental issue and the pursuit of global sustainable development: MDG 7 (Ensure environmental sustainability) and MDG 8 (Develop a global partnership for development). These objectives should guide the policies of nation-states for the next 15 years.
In addition to drawing attention to the cultural dimension in the context of sustainability, Roseland is one of the main proponents of applying the concept of sustainable development in local communities, a subject developed in his book: “Toward sustainable communities: a resource book for municipal and local governments”, published in 1992 and produced for the Canadian National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy. “This book is intended to enable local government officials and citizens who want to apply the concept of ‘sustainable development’ in their communities.” (Roseland 1992, p. 1). A revised and updated edition of this book was published in 2005 under the name of “Towards sustainable communities: Resources for citizens and their governments” (Roseland 2005).
Since the last Habitat II Conference in Istanbul, 1996.
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Chronology of a Global Agenda: The Construction of the Concept of Sustainable Development and the Definition of Its Dimensions
Cesar Wagner
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