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24-08-2022 | Special Issue Paper

Cities and social entrepreneurship

Authors: Benoît Desmarchelier, Faridah Djellal, Faïz Gallouj

Published in: The Annals of Regional Science | Issue 3/2023

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Social entrepreneurship research remains largely conceptual and qualitative, which makes the comparisons with profit-seeking entrepreneurship difficult. This paper is an attempt to fill in this empirical divide. As such, we perform a statistical study of the characteristics of the social entrepreneurial city. Using a nationwide dataset on social venturing at the city level in France, and given the scarcity of labeled social ventures in the country, we define a social entrepreneurial city as one that count at least one of such firms. Our statistical analysis reveals that the social entrepreneurial city shares many common points with the entrepreneurial city: it is a large city, and with a diversified economy. There are also some major differences, as we find that social entrepreneurship emerges in places lacking of creative arts and entertainment options, and where the activity rate is low.

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Interestingly, in an extensive literature review, Sternberg (2021) identifies a similar bias in favor of personal-related explanations in for-profit entrepreneurship research.
ESUS stands for Entreprise Solidaire d’Utilité Sociale (Solidarity enterprise for social utility).
The total list of French cities and towns can be found at: https://​www.​insee.​fr/​fr/​information/​2028028.
Total numbers of business creations can be found at: https://​www.​insee.​fr/​fr/​statistiques/​2021271.
Employment numbers are estimated using the same procedure as for \({Top5Empl}_{i}\).
We include this variable in the demand-side because empirical data shows that single parent families have a higher probability to fall into poverty (Maldonado and Nieuwenhuis 2015).
The datasets have been merged using the “codes communes”—i.e. codes used by INSEE to identify all populated areas. These codes do not match with the postal codes. Also, we aggregated data for Paris, Lyon and Marseilles. Indeed, some data for these cities were provided at the “arrondissement” (i.e. district) level.
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Cities and social entrepreneurship
Benoît Desmarchelier
Faridah Djellal
Faïz Gallouj
Publication date
Springer Berlin Heidelberg
Published in
The Annals of Regional Science / Issue 3/2023
Print ISSN: 0570-1864
Electronic ISSN: 1432-0592