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Classification of Privacy Preserved Medical Data with Fractional Tuna Sailfish Optimization Based Deep Residual Network in Cloud

Authors: Shabanam K. Shikalgar, N. V. S. Pavan Kumar, Gavendra Singh, Faizur Rashid

Published in: Annals of Data Science

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Nowadays, with the growth of emerging technologies, increased attention has been paid to the classification of privacy-preserved medical data and development of various privacy-preserving models for the promotion of online medical pre-diagnosis systems. Medical data is highly sensitive and it is essential to ensure privacy of medical records from third-party users to increase service quality, satisfy patients and earn trust. The classification of medical preserved data is helpful to build a clinical decision system by classifying patients based on their disease and symptoms. In this article, a hybrid optimization-based deep learning model named Fractional Tuna Sailfish Optimization–Deep Residual Network (FractionalTSFO-DRN) is designed to precisely classify the privacy preserved medical data. A privacy utility coefficient matrix is used to ensure the privacy of medical data by generating a key matrix using Tuna Sailfish Optimization (TSFO) algorithmic technique. The privacy-preserved medical data is allowed for the classification process using DRN and the introduced Fractional TSFO is used to optimize and enhance the classification in DRN. The assessment followed by using heart disease prediction databases proved that the employed classification technique recorded an accuracy of 94.67%, a True Positive Rate of 93.56%, and a True Negative Rate of 89.68% respectively.

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Classification of Privacy Preserved Medical Data with Fractional Tuna Sailfish Optimization Based Deep Residual Network in Cloud
Shabanam K. Shikalgar
N. V. S. Pavan Kumar
Gavendra Singh
Faizur Rashid
Publication date
Springer Berlin Heidelberg
Published in
Annals of Data Science
Print ISSN: 2198-5804
Electronic ISSN: 2198-5812

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