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2025 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

3. Climate Change Debates in Heritage Frameworks Versus Heritage Debates in Climate Change Frameworks

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This chapter goes further in the debates on climate change and cultural heritage by diagnostically delving into the existing critical gaps in international documents and scholarly debates and it provides a critical re-evaluation of a few practical considerations. Starting from UNESCO and ICOMOS at the international level and arriving at Europe, it provides readers with a clearer image of the binary between climate change debates in the heritage framework and heritage debates in the climate change framework. Further, exploring more profoundly the lack of a comprehensive vision of climate and environmental change-related issues regarding cultural heritage, this chapter investigates four categories of institutional/organizational/managerial, technical/technological, socio-cultural, and financial gaps. Nevertheless, reflecting on those gaps, the last section of this chapter explores a few constructive recommendatory encounters by which the attempt is to build a set of reflections on the ways of integrating heritage into climate change policy frameworks while minding the incorporation of climate change challenges in heritage policies and strategies at all levels, from strengthening the connection between heritage and climate science, to leveraging cultural dimension of climate change, and practical recommendations for bridging its associated limits in policies and practices.

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Climate Change Debates in Heritage Frameworks Versus Heritage Debates in Climate Change Frameworks
Mehrnaz Rajabi
Copyright Year