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2025 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

4. Climate Change Impact and Adaptation to Climate Change

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One step forward from chapter three, this chapter focuses on cultural heritage and climate change impact by investigating meaningful gaps that hide failures and opportunities to achieve success in tackling the impact of climate change on cultural heritage on diverse scales. Like the previous chapter, it tracks the gaps in four categories. However, more predominantly, significant institutional/organizational/managerial and technical gaps are under investigation, concentrating on the climate change debates in the heritage framework. In particular, this chapter delves into the notion of adaptation to climate change, looking into the typologies of its opportunities, constraints, and limits. At the same time, the section dedicated to practical considerations informs us about the way to move forward, from strengthening systemic, swifter, and faster adaptation actions to improving scientific and narrative-based knowledge, managing uncertainties, and having effective integration of indigenous and local knowledge systems. The final section of this chapter provides us with a rational understanding of the barriers in the adaptation process. Considering the characteristics of climate adaptation barriers regarding cultural heritage, this section explores the principles of effective adaptation strategies.

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Climate Change Impact and Adaptation to Climate Change
Mehrnaz Rajabi
Copyright Year