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04-09-2024 | Special Issue Paper

Cohesion policy and household income inequality: evidence from the Greek regions

Authors: Yannis Psycharis, Vassilis Tselios, Panagiotis Pantazis

Published in: The Annals of Regional Science | Issue 4/2024

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This paper sets out to examine whether cohesion policy is associated to a reduction of household income inequality within the Greek regions. The analysis is built upon a unique database, which includes two types of data sources: public investment expenditures data along with household declared income data at the NUTS III geographical level in Greece. The results indicate that an increase in public investment expenditures is associated with an increase in income inequality, and this finding is more attributable to the EU co-financed than the nationally funded public investment projects. Nevertheless, the results are sensitive to the type/category of spending; there is evidence that “education and research” co-financed projects and the national “miscellaneous” expenditures, which include small-scale fiscal support to places, communities and associations, generate more egalitarian benefits among households across regions. These findings of this paper call for a readjustment and targeting of the cohesion policy to promote people-centered, along with place-specific, policies with the creation of more job opportunities and higher earnings for low-income households.

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The inclusion of these control variables is based on the theoretical literature review, the existing empirical studies and the data availability. There is strong evidence that income inequality within regions is associated with regional economic development (Rodríguez-Pose and Tselios 2009b; Castells-Quintana et al. 2015). Population density, which is a proxy for urbanization, is related with household income inequality as it reflects the choices of more and less skilled people to live together in particular urban (i.e., high density) areas (Glaeser et al. 2009). Income inequality is associated with the sectoral composition due to the differences in between-sector earnings. We also have data for human capital (measured by the percentage of University graduates to total population, Population Census 2011) in 2011 only. However, human capital is highly correlated with population density.
The 2000–2006 and the 2007–2013 programming periods.
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The correlation coefficient between income inequality and national public investment expenditures is 0.1978, and the correlation coefficient between income inequality and co-financed public investment expenditures is 0.1394.
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Cohesion policy and household income inequality: evidence from the Greek regions
Yannis Psycharis
Vassilis Tselios
Panagiotis Pantazis
Publication date
Springer Berlin Heidelberg
Published in
The Annals of Regional Science / Issue 4/2024
Print ISSN: 0570-1864
Electronic ISSN: 1432-0592