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2018 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

11. Communal Integration: A Perspective of Elicitive Conflict Work

Author : Birgit Allerstorfer

Published in: Transrational Resonances

Publisher: Springer International Publishing

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Within this chapter, communal integration processes are connected with the art of elicitive conflict transformation and seek enriching interfaces. The author presents her professional experiences with Regional Competence Centers for Integration and Diversity in Upper Austria and sketches current communal integration processes. Thereby, potentialities and limits of institutional settings and elicitive approaches are identified and the benefits of safe spaces, non-violent communication, unconditional attitudes and active listening, among others are explored. Referring to the current humanitarian and refugee crises, the chapter offers a perspective upon concrete local and regional actions, based on grass-root engagement and communal process facilitation. The close collaboration with municipalities and political leaders, combined with events of civilian participation and the accompaniment of volunteer groups, build the corner stones of prevailing communal processes in Upper Austria. The latter hold the potential of facilitating change in a need and context-oriented, elicitive way.

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Dieser Rahmen ist nicht universal, aber weitaus größer als auf den ersten Blick angenommen werden könnte” (translated by the author).
“(…) ein natürliches Produkt menschlicher Interaktion und jeder Beziehung inherent” (translated by the author).
Sie produzieren viele kleine Frieden, die täglich aufs Neue gewonnen, erkannt und verteidigt werden wollen” (translated by the author).
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Communal Integration: A Perspective of Elicitive Conflict Work
Birgit Allerstorfer
Copyright Year

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