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01-12-2015 | Report

Communal visual histories to detect environmental change in northern areas: Examples of emerging North American and Eurasian practices

Author: Tero Mustonen

Published in: Ambio | Issue 8/2015

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This article explores the pioneering potential of communal visual-optic histories which are recorded, painted, documented, or otherwise expressed. These materials provide collective meanings of an image or visual material within a specific cultural group. They potentially provide a new method for monitoring and documenting changes to ecosystem health and species distribution, which can effectively inform society and decision makers of Arctic change. These visual histories can be positioned in a continuum that extends from rock art to digital photography. They find their expressions in forms ranging from images to the oral recording of knowledge and operate on a given cultural context. For monitoring efforts in the changing boreal zone and Arctic, a respectful engagement with visual histories can reveal emerging aspects of change. The examples from North America and case studies from Eurasia in this article include Inuit sea ice observations, Yu’pik visual traditions of masks, fish die-offs in a sub-boreal catchment area, permafrost melt in the Siberian tundra and early, first detection of a scarabaeid beetle outbreak, a Southern species in the Skolt Sámi area. The pros and cons of using these histories and their reliability are reviewed.

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Communal visual histories to detect environmental change in northern areas: Examples of emerging North American and Eurasian practices
Tero Mustonen
Publication date
Springer Netherlands
Published in
Ambio / Issue 8/2015
Print ISSN: 0044-7447
Electronic ISSN: 1654-7209

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