Cariad is reorganizing: Peter Bosch from Bentley becomes the new CEO, Dirk Hilgenberg has to go. The software subsidiary is to be linked even more closely to the Volkswagen Group brands.
The Supervisory Board of Cariad has approved a comprehensive realignment of the Volkswagen Group's software subsidiary, according to Volkswagen. The Group intends to further develop Cariad in terms of structure and personnel. This includes restructuring the Cariad organization, accelerating the implementation of the E³ platforms (end-to-end electronics architecture), structurally focusing on the development of software-defined vehicles (SDV), strengthened technology partnerships, and a new leadership and team model. Cariad is also to be linked more closely with the Volkswagen Group brands and further established as an internal supplier of future technologies.
Peter Bosch to be new CEO
Peter Bosch is to become CEO of Cariad on June 1, 2023, taking over from Dirk Hilgenberg. Bosch will also be responsible for finance, purchasing and IT. Bosch was previously responsible for production at Bentley and represented Volkswagen AG on the board of Scout Motors.
In addition, the new CEO will be supported by two software experts on the Executive Board in the future. Cariad intends to implement the corresponding personnel changes in the near future. Cariad is not yet naming names. Rainer Zugehör completes the Executive Board and remains in his current role as Chief People Officer (CPO).
Oliver Blume, Chairman of the Board of Management of the Volkswagen Group and Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Cariad: "Last year, we drew up a ten-point plan for operational and strategic areas of action within the Volkswagen Group. One key element is the realignment of Cariad, and we have already made good progress. We are now setting the next milestones for advancing strategic, structural and personnel development. Cariad focuses on the development of digital future technologies for the Group brands. We are stepping up the pace and broadening our approach to partnerships. This is designed to combine our competences with the best solutions on the market for the benefit of our customers. The outcome is even closer software-vehicle development interaction."
A transformation council has been established to further support Cariad. The transformation team consists of experienced Volkswagen Group managers, Cariad executives and technology specialists who are to lead the transformation process and further develop Cariad's cooperation with the Volkswagen Group brands.