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28-12-2024 | Engine and Emissions, Fuels and Lubricants

Comparative Analysis Study of Greenhouse Gas Emission and Cost from H2-GHP and CH4-GHP

Authors: Sojin Kim, Seungjae Kim, Seunghyun Lee, Kyoungdoug Min, Hoimyung Choi

Published in: International Journal of Automotive Technology

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GHP, fueled by natural gas, emits pollutants such as CO, NOx, and THC. For this reason, regulations on CH4-GHP have been implemented in Korea, and as the need for installing emission reduction devices on existing CH4-GHP units increases, additional installation costs are expected. In contrast, hydrogen-powered GHP emits mainly NOx, which can be minimized through lean combustion. This study aimed to identify operating conditions for hydrogen engines that satisfy South Korea’s GHP regulations and to compare H2-GHP with conventional CH4-GHP. The analysis revealed that when operating a 16 HP GHP for 1 h, CH4-GHP emitted approximately 23% fewer greenhouse gases in the fuel cycle compared to H2-GHP and required one-third of the fuel cost. This indicates that, at present, H2-GHP is less competitive than CH4-GHP. However, the transition to a blue and green hydrogen economy, where CO2 emissions and production costs for hydrogen decrease, could enhance the competitiveness of H2-GHP over CH4-GHP.

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Comparative Analysis Study of Greenhouse Gas Emission and Cost from H2-GHP and CH4-GHP
Sojin Kim
Seungjae Kim
Seunghyun Lee
Kyoungdoug Min
Hoimyung Choi
Publication date
The Korean Society of Automotive Engineers
Published in
International Journal of Automotive Technology
Print ISSN: 1229-9138
Electronic ISSN: 1976-3832