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2022 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

Comparison of the Particle Emission Behaviour of Automotive Drum and Disc Brakes

Authors : Christopher Hamatschek, David Hesse, Klaus Augsburg, Sebastian Gramstat, Anton Stich

Published in: 12th International Munich Chassis Symposium 2021

Publisher: Springer Berlin Heidelberg

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Friction brakes are one of the main sources of PM emissions from cars today. However, due to the electrification of the powertrain, the share of friction brakes in vehicle deceleration is continuously decreasing. Due to the reduced number of braking applications and the lower brake pressure level, the amount of emitted particles also decreases. This is associated with the disadvantage of an increased potential for the formation of rust on the surfaces of the friction materials, which is expected to influence friction and wear. Due to the increasing challenge posed by corroded friction partners, drum brakes are increasingly used to decelerate battery electric (EV) and hybrid electric vehicles (HEV).
In this study, basic investigations on the particle emission behaviour of drum brakes are carried out using an inertia dynamometer (LINK 3900-NVH). To ensure representative sampling, a constant-volume sampling system is used, which is optimised in terms of transport efficiency and particle distribution. Condensation particle counters (CPC) and filter holders (TX40) are used to determine PN/PM emission factors. CPCs with differently calibrated cut-off are used to evaluate the formation of nanoscale particle formations. In this context, special attention is paid to the influence of temperature on the particle formation process.
From the comparison between rear-axle disc brake and rear-axle drum brake it could be proven that the predominant part of the wear mass remains within the drum, which affects the size distribution of the emitted particles. The ratio between PM10 and PM2.5 mass-related emissions factors decreases from about 2 (disc brake) to about 1.3 (drum brake). In addition, the emission behaviour is differentiated via the bedding procedure of the drum brake. To achieve a reproducible emission level, a doubling of the number of cycles (WLTP-brake cycle) is necessary. Due to a higher temperature level, nanoparticles could be detected during testing of the drum brake, whereby the number-related emission factor (PM2.5) was partly higher than for the disc brake.

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Comparison of the Particle Emission Behaviour of Automotive Drum and Disc Brakes
Christopher Hamatschek
David Hesse
Klaus Augsburg
Sebastian Gramstat
Anton Stich
Copyright Year
Springer Berlin Heidelberg