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2021 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

Concept for the Automatic Generation of Individual Test Sequences Verified by Artificial Intelligence Algorithms.

Authors : Ralf Lutchen, Andreas Krätschmer, Hans Christian Reuss

Published in: 21. Internationales Stuttgarter Symposium

Publisher: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden

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In vehicle development, more and more test sequences (diagnostic scripts) are established for function testing of individual components, systems and cross-functional methods. Due to decentralization and the modular approach, modern development vehicles consist of different numbers of electronic control units (ECU). The high number of ECUs in purpose and number pose a challenge for test creation and updating.
The ECU software is also developed in cycles within the vehicle cycle. This also results in a very high software variance. This variance leads to the fact that in the vehicle development with global test conditions only one works. The vehicle structure (ECU and their software status) is uncertain, so errors and a longer script runtime must be expected during test execution.
Due to this initial situation a concept was developed, which excludes the individual vehicle structure (global pattern) and verifies and stores this supported by an Artificial Intelligence (AI) database. This ensures traceability of the vehicle body at all times. In addition, it is possible to create individualized test sequences for each vehicle and to keep them up to date. Furthermore, the AI is able to identify the user and to generate person-specific test sequences. Finally, the AI evaluates the quality of the measured values in order to provide the ECU developer with a tool to detect discrepancies.

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Before a measurement can be performed on the vehicle, the bus system and the access (Vehicle Communication Interface [VCI]) to this vehicle network must be determined in a first step. After these parameters have been determined, the next step is to determine which ECUs are located in the vehicle and could be contacted. When determining the ECUs, the software version is also important, since not every software version supports every diagnostic service. In the following it must be clarified whether an ECU has a firewall (key-seed-challenge) or a security certificate. With this information, the test sequence can be created and then executed.
Later it will be shown that for a generation only the “ECU-Pattern” area of the ODX-D data is needed.
Vehicle Communication Interface: CAN, Ethernet, FlexRay, LIN.
Need-to-Know-Prinzip welches Aussagt das nur die Personen Zugriff erhalten die diesen brauchen und nur so lange wie nötig.
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Concept for the Automatic Generation of Individual Test Sequences Verified by Artificial Intelligence Algorithms.
Ralf Lutchen
Andreas Krätschmer
Hans Christian Reuss
Copyright Year