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2024 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

4. Conceptual and Methodological Specifications

Authors : Agnieszka Karman, Urszula Bronisz, Jarosław Banaś, Andrzej Miszczuk

Published in: Regional Competitiveness Towards Climate Change

Publisher: Springer Nature Switzerland

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His part of the book is devoted to the conceptual and methodological aspects that characterise our forecasting methodology. In particular, this section describes the four scenarios (WEM, WAM, A1, A2) from which the modelling of regional competitiveness levels will be carried out and characterises the forecasting method. Based on national climate change communications, the following section presents climate change projections and adaptation measures undertaken in ten selected EU countries. Furthermore, the chapter describes the methodological assumptions for the detailed national forecasts for the energy, transport, industry, construction and agriculture sectors.

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Conceptual and Methodological Specifications
Agnieszka Karman
Urszula Bronisz
Jarosław Banaś
Andrzej Miszczuk
Copyright Year