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2023 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

13. Conceptual Framework for Optimization Models in Industry 4.0 Context: Application to Production Planning

Authors : Ana Esteso, Andrés Boza, M. M. E. Alemany, Pedro Gomez-Gasquet

Published in: Industry 4.0: The Power of Data

Publisher: Springer International Publishing

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Production planning has traditionally been supported by mathematical programming. In recent years, Industry 4.0 and the use of its related techniques have been gaining strength in the production planning field. To develop mathematical programming models integrating Industry 4.0 techniques, it is necessary to migrate from optimization software normally used in academia to optimization packages developed in high-level programming languages. This paper aims to propose a conceptual framework to facilitate this migration by transcribing mathematical programming models to the programming languages of the MPL commercial optimization software and the optimization package Pyomo developed in Python. This framework can be used by both, academics and practitioners, to translate already implemented models in one software to the other, as well as to implement from scratch a mathematical programming model in any of this software. The proposed conceptual framework is validated through its use for the translation of a production planning model implemented in MPL to Pyomo.

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Conceptual Framework for Optimization Models in Industry 4.0 Context: Application to Production Planning
Ana Esteso
Andrés Boza
M. M. E. Alemany
Pedro Gomez-Gasquet
Copyright Year

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