This study systematically considers the randomness of seismic motion, the uncertainty of material parameters, the coupling randomness of seismic motion and material parameters, and the combined effect of rockfill softening. It explores the performance-based seismic safety evaluation framework for the seismic stability of high-faced rockfill dam slopes from the perspectives of random dynamics and probability. Firstly, through stochastic dynamic and probability analyses, the study reveals that seismic events, especially strong earthquakes, significantly impact the safety factor, cumulative time exceeding the safety factor, and cumulative slip of dam slopes due to the rockfill softening effect. As seismic intensity and duration increase, the softening characteristics gradually become more pronounced, presenting a progressive process. Reliability analysis indicates that evaluating the stability of soil-rock dam slopes solely based on the minimum safety factor is unreasonable. Instead, a comprehensive assessment of slope seismic safety is necessary, considering cumulative time exceeding the safety factor and cumulative slip. This approach holds crucial significance for performance-based seismic safety evaluation of high-faced rockfill dams. Subsequently, the study uncovers the influence and relationships of seismic motion randomness, material parameter uncertainty, and seismic motion-material parameter coupling randomness on the safety factor, cumulative time exceeding the safety factor, and cumulative slip of dam slopes. The relationship between cumulative time and cumulative slip is also discussed. The necessity of analyzing dynamic slope stability from the perspective of random dynamics and the importance of performance-based seismic safety evaluation are emphasized. This provides valuable insights for dam slope anti-sliding design and the analysis of ultimate seismic capacity. Finally, performance level division standards for two performance indicators, namely cumulative time exceeding the safety factor and cumulative slip, are proposed as follows: cumulative time of 0 s (sliding threshold), 0.5, and 1.5 s; cumulative slip of 0 cm (minimal sliding), 20, and 100 cm. These correspond to the threshold states of slight damage, moderate damage, and severe damage, respectively. The study establishes a multi-seismic intensity-multi-performance target-exceedance probability performance relationship and vulnerability curves. These serve as references for dam slope stability safety assessment, contributing to the further refinement of the performance-based seismic safety evaluation framework for high-faced rockfill dams.