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2025 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

7. Conservation and Development of Forests Within the Countries Affiliated with the Transpacific Partnership Agreement in Southeast Asia and the Countries of the American Coast

Author : Hugo Martín Moreno-Zacarías

Published in: Transition to a Safe Anthropocene in the Asia-Pacific

Publisher: Springer Nature Switzerland

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Trade agreements at the international level are of paramount importance for achieving a global economic balance. As the population industrializes, the emission of greenhouse gases increases and this helps the development of climate change. All the global trade agreements speak of the importance of creating mechanisms that help capture gases. A great imbalance is the industrial emission of carbon dioxide (CO2), which can be diminished by the forests that capture this gas and convert it into oxygen. This chapter analyzes the forest situations of Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) countries in Asia and Oceania (Japan, South Korea, Australia, and New Zealand), and the Pacific of the American continent (Canada, Mexico, Colombia, Peru, and the United States). In all cases, it is demonstrated that there are efforts at different levels to reduce deforestation, increase commercial plantations with ecological balance and develop new extensions of native forests.

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Conservation and Development of Forests Within the Countries Affiliated with the Transpacific Partnership Agreement in Southeast Asia and the Countries of the American Coast
Hugo Martín Moreno-Zacarías
Copyright Year