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2024 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

Considerations on the Socio-Ecological Management of Agrobiodiversity Within Community Tourism

Authors : Ángel Eduardo Vázquez-Martin, Noé Aguilar-Rivera

Published in: Sustainable Development Seen Through the Lenses of Ethnoeconomics and the Circular Economy

Publisher: Springer Nature Switzerland

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Nowadays, various studies around the world agree on the importance of agrobiodiversity derived to its high ecological vulnerability. In addition to, the community tourism represents a valuable source for its preservation, dissemination, and conservation. Therefore, our paper documented the state of the scientific art of the main tourism studies that studied the socio-ecological management of agrobiodiversity as biocultural heritage. Consequently, our study objective was to identify agrobiodiversity management through an interdisciplinary approach. Our findings allowed us to recognize the main tourism case studies about the modern management of this biocultural resource. Furthermore, we found that community tourism affects the management of this resource mainly within rural tourism, ecotourism, agritourism and gastronomic tourism. As result, we observed that the ethnobiological knowledge of communities is an exceptional element that must be studied in its complexity by areas such as food anthropology, bioeconomic, ecology, ethnobiology, agricultural sciences, and sociology. Finally, this document presents the bases for its study within the science of sustainability. These considerations could serve as a source for public policy decision-making for the sustainable management of agricultural biodiversity.

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Considerations on the Socio-Ecological Management of Agrobiodiversity Within Community Tourism
Ángel Eduardo Vázquez-Martin
Noé Aguilar-Rivera
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