The proof is carried out in four main steps.
Step 1: The group product is continuous in the Silva topology. Fix
\(M\ge 0\) and let
\(M_\epsilon =M(1+\epsilon )\). If
\(c,d\in \ell _{\infty ,M}(X^*,\mathbb {K}^m)\), then the proof of Theorem
3.2 can be easily modified to show that
\(c\,\tilde{\circ }\,d_\delta \) is continuous in the Silva topology. Specifically, the only change is in the definition of
\(\bar{d}\) and
\(\bar{d}_j\). For example,
\(\bar{d}=M(\sum _{k=0}^m x_k+x_0d[k])\), in which case, it follows directly that
\(c_\delta \circ d_\delta =\delta +d+c\,\tilde{\circ }\,d_\delta \) is continuous in both its left and right arguments in the Banach space
\(\ell _{\infty ,M_\epsilon }(X^*,\mathbb {K}^m)\). Joint continuity follows then verbatim as in the proof of Theorem
Step 2: The group inverse is degreewise a polynomial. Assume without loss of generality that
\(m=1\). Let
\(c_j\rightarrow c\) in
\(\ell _{\infty ,M}(X^*,\mathbb {K})\). It was shown in [
25] that the composition inverse preserves local convergence. Thus, there exists an
\(M_1>0\) such that
\(c_\delta ^{\circ -1}\in \delta +\ell _{\infty ,M_1}(X^*,\mathbb {K})\) and
\((c_{\delta ,j})^{\circ -1}\in \delta +\ell _{\infty ,M_1}(X^*,\mathbb {K})\) for every
\(j\ge 1\). Set
\(M_2=\max (M,M_1)\). Since
H is graded and connected with respect to the degree grading, it follows from Lemma
2.1 (cf. [
36]) that
$$\begin{aligned} (c_\delta ^{\circ -1},\eta ) =&S(a_\eta )(c) = -a_\eta (c)-\sum S(a_{(\eta _1)}^\prime )(c)a_{(\eta _2)}^\prime (c) \nonumber \\ =&-a_\eta (c)+\sum _{k=1}^{\deg (a_\eta )} (-1)^{k+1}\mu _k \circ \Delta _k^\prime (a_\eta )(c), \end{aligned}$$
\(\Delta ^\prime a=\Delta a-a\otimes \mathbf{1}_\delta -\mathbf{1}_\delta \otimes a=\sum a^\prime _{(\eta _1)}\otimes a^\prime _{(\eta _2)}\) is the reduced coproduct in the notation of Sweedler
\(\Delta _k^\prime = \Delta _{k-1}^\prime \otimes \mathrm{id}\) is defined inductively, and
\(\mu _k\) is the
k-fold multiplication in the target algebra. In particular,
\(a^\prime _{(\eta _1)}\in V_{n_1}\) and
\(a^\prime _{(\eta _2)}\in H_{n_2}\) with
\(n_1,n_2<n\). As the summation in (
8) is always finite, the
\(\eta \) component of
\(c^{\circ -1}_\delta \) is a polynomial in the variables
\(\{a_\xi (c):\deg (a_\xi )\le \deg (a_\eta )\}\). This implies immediately that inversion is continuous (and analytic) in the Fréchet space
\(\delta + \mathbb {K}^{m}_{LC}\langle \langle X \rangle \rangle \). However, this does not yet yield continuity with respect to the Silva space topology on
\(\delta + \mathbb {K}^{m}_{LC}\langle \langle X \rangle \rangle \).
Step 3: Continuity of the group inverse in the Silva topology. It is first proved that inversion is continuous at the unit
\(\delta \). It is again assumed without loss of generality that
\(m=1\). Recalling that
\(c_\delta :=\delta +c\), the series
\(c_{\delta ,j}= \delta + c_{j}, j \in \mathbb {N}\) converges to
\(\delta \) in the Silva topology if and only if the series
\(c_j\) converges to 0 in
\(\ell _{\infty ,M}(X^*,\mathbb {K})\) for some
\(M>0\). Fix
\(c\in \ell _{\infty ,M}(X^*,\mathbb {K})\) and define
\(\bar{c}=\sum _{\eta \in X^*}KM^{\left| \eta \right| }\left| \eta \right| !\,\eta \) with
\(K= \Vert c\Vert _{{\ell _\infty ,M}}\) so that
\(\left| (c,\eta ) \right| \le (\bar{c},\eta )\),
\(\forall \eta \in X^*\). It can be verified directly that
\(y=F_{\bar{c}_\delta }[u]=u+F_{\bar{c}}[u]\) has the state space realization
$$\begin{aligned} \dot{z}=\frac{M}{K}(1+u),\;\;z(0)=K,\;\;y=z+u. \end{aligned}$$
\(y=F_{\bar{c}^{\circ -1}_\delta }[u]=u+F_{\bar{c}^{\circ -1}}[u]\) has the realization
$$\begin{aligned} \dot{z}=\frac{M}{K}(z^2-z^3)+z^2u,\;\;z(0)=K,\;\;y=-z+u. \end{aligned}$$
It is shown in [
25, Theorem 6] that
\(c^{\circ -1}=(-c)@\delta \), where the right-hand side denotes the generating series for the unity feedback system
\(v\mapsto y\) defined by
\(y=F_{-c}[u]\) and
\(u=v+y\). Combining this fact with a minor extension of [
42, Lemma 10], it follows that the condition
\(\left| (c,\eta ) \right| \le (\bar{c},\eta )\) implies
\(\left| (c^{\circ -1},\eta ) \right| \le \left| (\bar{c}^{\circ -1},\eta ) \right| \),
\(\forall \eta \in X^*\). The fastest growing coefficients of
\(\bar{c}^{\circ -1}\) have been shown to be the sequence
\((\bar{c}^{\circ -1},x_0^k)\),
\(k\ge 0\) [
42, Lemma 7]. Therefore, for any word
\(\eta \in X^*\) of length
k$$\begin{aligned} \left| (c^{\circ -1},\eta ) \right| \le \left| (\bar{c}^{\circ -1},\eta ) \right| \le \left| (\bar{c}^{\circ -1},x_0^k) \right| =\left| L_{g_0}^k h(z_0) \right| , \end{aligned}$$
where the right-most inequality follows from (
3) with
\(h(z)=-z\), and
\(z_0=K\) as derived in (
9). A direct calculation gives
$$\begin{aligned} (\bar{c}^{\circ -1},x_0^k)=b_k(K)KM^k, \;\;k\ge 0, \end{aligned}$$
where the first few polynomials
\(b_k(K)\) are:
$$\begin{aligned} b_0(K)&=-1 \\ b_1(K)&=-1 +K \\ b_2(K)&=-2 +5 K -3 K^2 \\ b_3(K)&=-6 +26 K -35 K^2 +15 K^3 \\ b_4(K)&=-24 +154 K -340 K^2 +315 K^3 -105 K^4 \\ b_5(K)&=-120 +1044 K -3304 K^2 +4900 K^3 -3465 K^4 +945 K^5 \\ b_6(K)&=-720 +8028 K -33740 K^2 +70532 K^3 -78750 K^4 +45045 K^5 -10395 K^6 \\ b_7(K)&=-5040 +69264 K -367884 K^2 +1008980 K^3 -1571570 K^4 +1406790 K^5 \\&\quad -675675 K^6 +135135 K^7 \\&\quad \vdots \end{aligned}$$
\(c_j, j\in \mathbb {N}\) converges to
\(0 \in \ell _{\infty ,M}(X^*,\mathbb {K})\), one can discard finitely many initial terms and thus assume without loss of generality that
\(\Vert c_j\Vert _{\ell _\infty ,M} \le K \le 1\). However, when
\(K\le 1\) it is known that
\(b_k(K)\le \bar{b}_k\), where
\(k\ge 0\) is the integer sequence A112487 in [
41], namely 1, 2, 10, 82, 938, 13778, 247210, .... Its exponential generating function is the real analytic function
$$\begin{aligned} G(x)=\frac{-1}{1+W(-2\exp (x-2))}, \end{aligned}$$
W is the Lambert W-function (see [
42, Example 5]), in which case, there exists growth constants
\(\bar{K},\bar{M}>0\) such that
\(\bar{b}_k\le \bar{K}\bar{M}^k k!\),
\(k\ge 0\). Combining this inequality with (
10) gives
$$\begin{aligned} \left| (c^{\circ -1},\eta ) \right| \le \Vert c\Vert _{{\ell _\infty ,M}}\bar{K} (M\bar{M})^{\left| \eta \right| } \left| \eta \right| !,\;\;\forall \eta \in X^*. \end{aligned}$$
Hence, if
\(c_{\delta , j} \rightarrow \delta \) in
\(\mathbb {K}\times \ell _{\infty ,M}(X^*,\mathbb {K})\), then
\(c_{\delta ,j}^{\circ -1} \rightarrow \delta \) in
\(\ell _{\infty ,M\overline{M}}(X^*,\mathbb {K})\). Therefore, inversion is continuous at the unit with respect to the Silva topology. Exploiting the fact that inversion is a group antimorphism, this implies that inversion is continuous everywhere on
\(\delta + \mathbb {K}^{m}_{LC}\langle \langle X \rangle \rangle \) in the Silva topology.
Step 4: Group product and inverse are analytic. Since the complexification of
\(\delta +{\mathbb R}^m_{LC}\langle \langle X \rangle \rangle \) is
\(\delta +{\mathbb C}^m_{LC}\langle \langle X \rangle \rangle \), it suffices to consider the complex case. In view of Lemma
A.1 and Step 1, all one needs to prove is that for every
\(\eta \in X^*\) the mappings
\((c_\delta ,d_\delta ) \mapsto a_\eta (c_\delta \circ d_\delta )\) and
\(c_\delta \mapsto a_\eta (c_\delta ^{\circ -1})\) are holomorphic. Regarding the composition product recall that
\((\delta + c )\circ (\delta +d) = \delta +d + c\tilde{\circ } d_\delta \). Now for the mixed composition
\(\tilde{\circ }\) it was shown in the proof of Proposition
4.3 that
\(a_\eta (c\tilde{\circ } d_\delta )\) is given by a polynomial in finitely many of the variables
\(a_\xi (c)\) and
\(a_\nu (d)\). Hence, this part of the product is analytic on
\(\delta +{\mathbb C}^m_{LC}\langle \langle X \rangle \rangle \), and therefore the composition product is analytic. Similarly, for the inversion
\(\iota \), Step 2 shows that
\(a_\eta \circ \iota (c)\) is given as a polynomial in finitely many evaluations of
c. As before, the coordinate functions are holomorphic, and this implies that
\(a_\eta \circ \iota \) is holomorphic on
\(\delta +{\mathbb C}^m_{LC}\langle \langle X \rangle \rangle \). Hence, the inversion is also holomorphic.
The argument for the Lie group structure on subsets of locally convergent series can be adapted almost verbatim to the case where no convergence of the series is assumed.
Regularity of the Fréchet Lie group
\(\delta + \mathbb {K}\langle \langle X \rangle \rangle \) is investigated next. For a curve
\(\gamma _\delta (t) = (\delta + \gamma (t)) \in \delta + \mathbb {K}\langle \langle X \rangle \rangle \) consider the Lie type differential equation
$$\begin{aligned} {\left\{ \begin{array}{ll} \dot{\gamma _\delta }(t) = \gamma _\delta (t).c(t) = c (t) + \gamma (t) \lhd c(t) \\ \gamma _\delta (0) = \delta , \end{array}\right. } \end{aligned}$$
\(c :[0,1] \rightarrow \mathbb {K}\langle \langle X \rangle \rangle \) is a continuous curve. For every
\(\eta \in X^*\) observe that
\((\gamma _\delta (t),\eta ) = (\gamma (t),\eta )\). Now since the coordinate functions are continuous and linear, a differential equation is obtained for every word
\(\eta \in X^*\):
$$\begin{aligned} (\dot{\gamma }_\delta (t),\eta )&= (c (t),\eta ) + (\gamma (t) \lhd c(t),\eta ) \nonumber \\&= (c(t),\eta ) + \sum _{\rho \in X^*} (\gamma (t),\rho ) (\rho \lhd c(t), \eta )\nonumber \\&= (c(t),\eta ) +\sum _{1 \le |\rho | \le |\eta |} (\gamma (t),\rho ) (\rho \lhd c(t),\eta ). \end{aligned}$$
The computations in Example
5.1 have been used above, and the products of elements in
\(\mathbb {K}^m\) are taken as componentwise products. Note now that the sum in (
17) only appears if
\(|\eta |_{x_0} \ne 0\). Hence, if a word does not contain the letter
\(x_0\), then the differential equation (
17) reduces to
$$\begin{aligned} (\gamma (t),\eta ) = \int _0^t (c(s),\eta ) \mathrm {d}s, \quad \forall \eta \in X^*, |\eta |_{x_0}=0. \end{aligned}$$
\((c(t),\eta )\) is a continuous
\(\mathbb {K}^m\)-valued curve, one can solve the above equation for all
\(t \in [0,1]\). Now if
\(\eta \) is a word with
\(|\eta |_{x_0} \ne 0\), observe that all elements in (
17) appearing as coefficients of evaluations of
\(\gamma \) are continuous
\(\mathbb {K}^m\)-valued curves of the form
\((c(t),\eta )\) or
$$\begin{aligned} C_{\rho ,\eta } :[0,1] \rightarrow \mathbb {K}^m,\quad t \mapsto C_{\rho ,\eta }(t):=(\rho \lhd c(t),\eta ). \end{aligned}$$
It is now proved via induction on the length of the words that equation (
17) admits a solution on [0, 1] for every word. Note first that for any word without an
\(x_0\) (such as the empty word, which is the only length zero element), the statement follows directly from the integral equation (
18). If
\(|\eta | = n >1\) assume that the statement is true for all words of lower length. If
\(|\eta |_{x_0} =0\), the statement follows again from (
18). To obtain solutions for the words of length
n containing
\(x_0\), pick an enumeration
\((\eta _i)_{i \in I_n}\) of words of length
n. Using the enumeration and (
19), define
$$\begin{aligned} {{\varvec{v}}}_n (t)&:=\left[ \begin{array}{l} (\gamma (t),\eta _1) \\ (\gamma (t),\eta _2) \\ \qquad \vdots \\ (\gamma (t),\eta _{|I_n|})\end{array}\right] , \quad C_n (t) :=\left[ \begin{array}{llll} 0 &{} C_{\eta _1,\eta _2}(t) &{} \cdots &{} C_{\eta _1,\eta _{|I_n|}}(t)\\ C_{\eta _2,\eta _1} (t) &{}0&{} \ddots &{}\qquad \vdots \\ \qquad \vdots &{} \ddots &{} \ddots &{} C_{\eta _{|I_n|-1}, \eta _{|I_n|}}(t) \\ C_{\eta _{|I_n|},\eta _1} (t) &{} \cdots &{} C_{\eta _{|I_n|}, \eta _{|I_n|-1}}(t) &{} 0 \end{array}\right] ,\\ {\varvec{b}}_n (t)&:=\sum _{|\rho | < n} \left[ \begin{array}{l} (\gamma (t),\rho ) (\rho \lhd c(t),\eta _1)\\ (\gamma (t),\rho ) (\rho \lhd c(t),\eta _2)\\ \vdots \\ (\gamma (t),\rho ) (\rho \lhd c(t),\eta _{|I_n|}) \end{array}\right] \end{aligned}$$
Then, (
17) together with the observation that
\((\eta \lhd c , \eta )=0\) give rise to the following inhomogeneous system of linear differential equations on
\((\mathbb {K}^m)^{|I_n|}\):
$$\begin{aligned} \dot{{\varvec{v}}}_n (t) = C_n (t) {\varvec{v}}_n(t) + {\varvec{b}}_n (t), \qquad t\in [0,1], \end{aligned}$$
Now by the induction hypothesis the inhomogeneity
\({\varvec{b}}_n\) in (
20) is already completely determined by the previous computations. Furthermore, the coefficient matrix
\(C_n\) is determined by
c and thus continuous in
t. Hence, one can solve the system (
20) and obtain a solution on [0, 1] (via the usual solution theory for linear differential equations on finite-dimensional spaces). This completes the induction, and thus, one can iteratively solve the inhomogeneous linear system (
20) for every
\(n \in \mathbb {N}_0\) with a unique solution on [0, 1]. Following [
11, §6] (cf. also [
2]), the solution to the Lie type equation (
16) is the solution to the infinite system of differential equations (
18) and
$$\begin{aligned} \dot{{\varvec{v}}}_n(t) = C_n (t){\varvec{v}}_n(t) + {\varvec{b}}_n(t), \quad n\in \mathbb {N}_0. \end{aligned}$$
The earlier discussion has shown that this system is lower diagonal, i.e., the right-hand side of the equation in degree
n depends only on the solutions up to degree
n. One can now solve the differential equation on the Fréchet space by adapting the argument in [
11, p. 79-80]: Lower diagonal systems can be solved iteratively component-by-component, if each solution exists on a time interval
\([0, \varepsilon ]\) for some fixed
\(\varepsilon > 0\). Choosing
\(\varepsilon =1\), observe that the Lie type equation (
16) admits a unique global solution which can be computed iteratively. Thus, the following result is evident.
Observe that one can leverage the regularity of the Fréchet Lie group in the investigation of the regularity for the Silva Lie group
\(\delta +\mathbb {K}^{m}_{LC}\langle \langle X \rangle \rangle \). The inclusion
\(\iota :\delta + \mathbb {K}^{m}_{LC}\langle \langle X \rangle \rangle \rightarrow \delta + \mathbb {K}^m\langle \langle X \rangle \rangle \) is a Lie group morphism which relates the solutions of the evolution equation on the Silva and the Fréchet Lie groups. Indeed, [
21, 1.16] shows that for a continuous curve
\(c :[0,1] \rightarrow \mathbf {L}(\delta +\mathbb {K}^{m}_{LC}\langle \langle X \rangle \rangle )=\mathbb {K}^{m}_{LC}\langle \langle X \rangle \rangle \) a solution to the evolution equation (
16) in
\(\delta + \mathbb {K}^{m}_{LC}\langle \langle X \rangle \rangle \) must satisfy
$$\begin{aligned} \iota \circ \mathrm{Evol}_{\delta + \mathbb {K}^{m}_{LC}\langle \langle X \rangle \rangle } (c) = \mathrm{Evol}_{\delta + \mathbb {K}^m\langle \langle X \rangle \rangle } (\mathbf {L}(\iota ) \circ c) = \mathrm{Evol}_{\delta + \mathbb {K}^m\langle \langle X \rangle \rangle } (c), \end{aligned}$$
c is interpreted canonically as a curve into
\(\mathbf {L}(\delta +\mathbb {K}^m\langle \langle X \rangle \rangle )=\mathbb {K}^m\langle \langle X \rangle \rangle \) via the natural inclusion. Hence, the Silva Lie group will be
\(C^0\)-semiregular if and only if it can be proved that the solutions to the evolution equation on the Fréchet Lie group are bounded when the curve
c is bounded. Unfortunately, at present it is not obvious how to bound these solutions to the evolution equation, which leads to the following.