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05-07-2017 | Commentary

Contrasting bobcat values

Authors: L. Mark Elbroch, Lisa Robertson, Kristin Combs, Jenny Fitzgerald

Published in: Biodiversity and Conservation | Issue 12/2017

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Ecotourism enhances conservation management, promotes non-consumptive use of wildlife, and increases local community resources over that of select individuals when compared with consumptive uses such as hunting or trapping. The bobcat is a cryptic mesocarnivore widely exploited for pelts across North America, and a species increasingly contributing to ecotourism. Here, we report a conservative, non-consumptive economic value of US$308,105 for a single bobcat in Yellowstone National Park in northwest Wyoming for the 2015–2016 winter season, a figure nearly 1000 times greater than exploitive values of US$315.17 per bobcat trapped or hunted in Wyoming in the same season (US$130.53 per bobcat harvested in revenue earned by the state of Wyoming in trapping license sales + US$184.64 per pelt sold by successful trappers and hunters). In 2016, tourism was the second largest industry in Wyoming and generated US$3.2 billion. Our case study emphasizes that current bobcat regulatory policies across North America do not reflect current cultural values, inclusive of both consumptive and non-consumptive use of wildlife. Therefore, we recommend range-wide regulatory changes to ensure bobcat management is not just sustainable in terms of harvest, but that all people have access to shared resources held in trust.

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Contrasting bobcat values
L. Mark Elbroch
Lisa Robertson
Kristin Combs
Jenny Fitzgerald
Publication date
Springer Netherlands
Published in
Biodiversity and Conservation / Issue 12/2017
Print ISSN: 0960-3115
Electronic ISSN: 1572-9710