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2021 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

2. Controlling Quality and Effectiveness: Controlling Effectiveness Model

Author : Agnieszka Bieńkowska

Published in: Introducing the Controlling Effectiveness Model

Publisher: Springer International Publishing

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Based on the fact that it is not enough for an organization to simply implement controlling to ensure its effectiveness, the chapter discusses the concept of quality of controlling understood as the degree to which the set of the inherent properties of products of controlling meets the requirements of both the recipients of these products, and also controllers. At the same time, to verify the thesis that controlling impacts the resultant parameters of organization functioning—the organisational performance was adopted as a general result parameter, which is also a synthetic benefit of implementing controlling (with the obvious assumption that organizational performance is also influenced by factors other than controlling). The chapter also characterizes the preliminary Controlling Effectiveness Model, where the term of the effectiveness of controlling is understood as the strength of the influence of controlling on the organisational performance.

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Controlling Quality and Effectiveness: Controlling Effectiveness Model
Agnieszka Bieńkowska
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