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2023 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

2. Copper Craft Product Narratives: An Understanding of the User Perceptions on Associated Narratives Used for Designing Copper Craft Products

Authors : Priyansi Kansara, Avinash Shende

Published in: Design in the Era of Industry 4.0, Volume 3

Publisher: Springer Nature Singapore

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The narrative is a term found in philosophy, psychology, and humanities studies. Various product design studies have recently looked at narratives to enrich the design process by creating an engaging experience. The narrative is said to be a natural way of experiencing the stories and establishing the emotional connection in the evolution of humankind. Craft is one such area where we have been hearing stories from ancestors that connect with the products and the techniques of making. The copper craft of India embeds more such stories inherently, which have been expressed through the shapes and texture since the metal age till today. Symbols are part of narratives that expand to references, and networks of meanings emerge by involving human interactions with the artifacts. Thus, it explicitly uses the existing categories of narrative in design and decoded associative narratives of copper craft products to develop contemporary forms in copper craft under copper craft research through design (Cu Rtd) methodology. The perception constitutes the characteristic attribution to adjectives associated with the form of the product. This paper aims to apply Osgood's semantic differential scales to investigate the aesthetic association with the narratives used for designing copper craft products by using a bipolar adjective scale. The results of this study suggest that designers can create a product personality that consumers can associate with aesthetics, experience, and emotion. Future research can explicitly investigate the experiential and emotional association of the designed copper craft fruit bowl. Thus, this study ignites future investigation into whether festive character will always be associated with the product in copper craft?

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Copper Craft Product Narratives: An Understanding of the User Perceptions on Associated Narratives Used for Designing Copper Craft Products
Priyansi Kansara
Avinash Shende
Copyright Year
Springer Nature Singapore

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