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2016 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

Corporate Knowledge Discovery and Organizational Learning: The Role, Importance, and Application of Semantic Business Process Management—The ProKEX Case

Authors : András Gábor, Andrea Kő, Zoltán Szabó, Péter Fehér

Published in: Corporate Knowledge Discovery and Organizational Learning

Publisher: Springer International Publishing

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One of the consequences of the changing regulatory social and economic environment is the growing demand to efficiently manage intellectual capital as corporate assets. Intellectual capital is closely coupled to knowledge that is embedded in business processes. The book provides an overview in a nutshell of ProKEX research. The goal of the ProKEX solution is to extract, organize, share and preserve knowledge embedded in organizational processes in order to (1) enrich organizational knowledge bases in a systematic and controlled way (2) support employees to be better able to acquire their job role specific knowledge, (3) and to help govern and plan human capital investment. The chapters provides deeper understanding the components, as semantic business process management, text mining, knowledge representation and transfer, adaptive testing, compliance checking.

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Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI) is a method to support process improvement initiatives.
Detailed description of knowledge representation, namely domain ontology will be given in Chapter “STUDIO: ontology-centric knowledge-based system”.
See Chapter “Ontology tailoring for job role knowledge” for details.
STUDIO—e-learning platform developed by Corvinno Technology Transfer will be explained in detail in Chapter “STUDIO: ontology-centric knowledge-based system”.
ProMine will be explained in details in Chapter “ProMine: a text mining solution for concept extraction and filtering”.
See Sect. 5.4.2.
The EIT Governing Board defines the percentage of competitive funding yearly.
The business case took the 2014 Allocation of funding implemented in 2013 into consideration.
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Corporate Knowledge Discovery and Organizational Learning: The Role, Importance, and Application of Semantic Business Process Management—The ProKEX Case
András Gábor
Andrea Kő
Zoltán Szabó
Péter Fehér
Copyright Year

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