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2016 | Book

Corporate Knowledge Discovery and Organizational Learning

The Role, Importance, and Application of Semantic Business Process Management


About this book

This book investigates organizational learning from a variety of information processing perspectives. Continuous change and complexity in regulatory, social and economic environments are increasingly forcing organizations and their employees to acquire the necessary job-specific knowledge at the right time and in the right format. Though many regulatory documents are now available in digital form, their complexity and diversity make identifying the relevant elements for a particular context a challenging task. In such scenarios, business processes tend to be important sources of knowledge, containing rich but in many cases embedded, hidden knowledge.

This book discusses the possible connection between business process models and corporate knowledge assets; knowledge extraction approaches based on organizational processes; developing and maintaining corporate knowledge bases; and semantic business process management and its relation to organizational learning approaches. The individual chapters reveal the different elements of a knowledge management solution designed to extract, organize and preserve the knowledge embedded in business processes so as to: enrich organizational knowledge bases in a systematic and controlled way, support employees in acquiring job role-specific knowledge, promote organizational learning, and steer human capital investment. All of these topics are analyzed on the basis of real-world cases from the domains of insurance, food safety, innovation, and funding.

Table of Contents

Corporate Knowledge Discovery and Organizational Learning: The Role, Importance, and Application of Semantic Business Process Management—The ProKEX Case
One of the consequences of the changing regulatory social and economic environment is the growing demand to efficiently manage intellectual capital as corporate assets. Intellectual capital is closely coupled to knowledge that is embedded in business processes. The book provides an overview in a nutshell of ProKEX research. The goal of the ProKEX solution is to extract, organize, share and preserve knowledge embedded in organizational processes in order to (1) enrich organizational knowledge bases in a systematic and controlled way (2) support employees to be better able to acquire their job role specific knowledge, (3) and to help govern and plan human capital investment. The chapters provides deeper understanding the components, as semantic business process management, text mining, knowledge representation and transfer, adaptive testing, compliance checking.
András Gábor, Andrea Kő, Zoltán Szabó, Péter Fehér
Corporate Semantic Business Process Management
The chapter focuses on the possible SBPM aspects of the solution utilized in the ProKEX project. We demonstrate a methodology to extract, organize and preserve knowledge embedded in business processes to enrich the organizational knowledge base partway automatically. In the semantic approach, the piece of knowledge which is necessary to complete the given phase in the process can be handled operationally. The solution is based on the connection between the process model and the corporate knowledge base where the process structure will be used for building up the knowledge structure. A common form of knowledge base is the ontology, which provides the conceptualization of a certain domain. We discuss how to establish the links between model elements and ontology concepts. The objective of this approach is to transform the business process into process ontology and to combine it with the knowledge base as a domain ontology in a dynamic, systematic and well-controlled solution. In the case study, we illustrate the solution related to the processes of a middle-sized, Hungarian insurance company operating both in the Life and Non-Life line of the insurance business. The examples will be outlined as a proof of evidence.
Katalin Ternai, Mátyás Török, Krisztián Varga
ProMine: A Text Mining Solution for Concept Extraction and Filtering
Due to the on-going economic crisis, the management of organizational knowledge is becoming more and more important. This knowledge resides in organizational processes. The extraction of this hidden knowledge from the business processes and the usage of this knowledge for domain ontology development is a major challenge. This chapter presents ProMine, a text mining ontology extraction tool that extracts deep representations from the business processes. ProMine extracts new domain related concepts and proposes a new filtering mechanism based on a new hybrid similarity measure to filter most relevant concepts. The tool is evaluated through a case study of the insurance domain. The results showed that ProMine performance is good and it generates many new concepts against each business process.
Saira Gillani, Andrea Kő
STUDIO: Ontology-Centric Knowledge-Based System
Characterizing, structuring and systematizing all the knowledge assets of an organization represents a major challenge nowadays. At the same time rapid social, economic and technological changes require organizations to act and adapt quickly. In order to be able to meet all these expectations, organizations must implement such comprehensive knowledge management solutions that enable multiple ways of using and reusing organizational knowledge. This chapter provides a complete description of how the STUDIO knowledge-based system can support organizations in applying and evaluating knowledge, in learning, in adapting changes to their own context quickly, and in translating learning into action. STUDIO is an extensible and domain independent knowledge based system that captures the relevant domain concepts and their relations by ontological entities around which a set of knowledge—and human resource management related tasks are carried out. To evaluate the proposed architecture we have applied it to the challenge of managing knowledge both in business and educational contexts.
Réka Vas
Ontology Tailoring for Job Role Knowledge
This chapter focuses on the technical aspects of ontology tailoring in the frame of the ProKEX project. At the beginning of the chapter the ProKEX framework and the problem which it addresses are recalled in order to highlight the aspects which are laid the foundation for the design and implementation of the ontology tailoring process. The emphasis is on the knowledge which resides in the organizational processes, and the reason why it is necessary to transform this knowledge into a structured form in order to provide a foundation for the STUDIO system to be able to discover the knowledge gaps of a person, and to be able to serve as a basis for effective training. In the second part of the chapter a technical overview of the ontology tailoring and Concept Group system are provided. A Concept Group is a new layer upon the underlying ontology, a tailored meta-structure which follows the logic of the application coming from the processes. After the theoretical introduction of the ontology tailoring the algorithm which is used in the ProKEX suite is discussed. The chapter ends with an example presenting the concrete realization of the ProKEX suite.
Gábor Neusch
STUDIO: A Solution on Adaptive Testing
Modern workers have to cope with changes and new flexible requirements in their working environment. Projects may require new skills, co-workers could leave the company, leading to a shift in responsibilities, or new labour market opportunities motivate the acquiring of different skill sets. Coping with changes and satisfying the need for personal improvement means to know and capture the border of personal education and continuously practicing self-assessment to monitor personal progress. Understanding personal education and development potential requires testing the current state of education in a resourceful way, while adapting to personal performance and learning potentials. As such, adaptivity is not only an important factor in terms of personal education but also in the sense of testing. The field of adaptive testing makes it possible to adapt to the skills and knowledge of a person, to then being able to reason about educational potentials. To gain insights on job proficiency and educational potential requires understanding education in a context—a vision evident in the psychology of learning, but lacking in concepts for modern computer assisted educational testing. This chapter will motivate a vision of a context aware and context rich educational self assessment. Testing the knowledge of individuals within the framework of organisational learning needs an adaptive test, which is flexible in terms of the knowledge to assess and adaptive in terms of the knowledge of an individual worker. The STUDIO solution contributes here with an adaptive testing and assessment solution, tackling the need for adaptiveness with a concept of knowledge exploration.
Christian Weber
Future Development: Towards Semantic Compliance Checking
Process ontologies preserve elements and structures of business processes. This information is processed easily by using ontology-based querying and matching tools. This chapter demonstrates how a process owner can use these tools to improve or control their business processes. The first section will provide a brief overview of the theoretical background of ontology matching, such as element-level and structural matching procedures, and will provide a comparative analysis of available ontology matching tools in respect to their added value for investigating business processes. The following section will present a tool that can integrate the results of the ProKEX project—such as XSLT transformation, text mining based on similarity measures, and ontology tailoring method—into itself. But the key components of this tool are process ontologies. Domain ontologies that were presented in the previous chapters largely have a knowledge carrier role. Hence these results are applied in a different field in order to develop a tool that can help process owners to improve or control their business processes. The framework of this tool has already been implemented, hence its applicability will be presented with three test runs in the fund management field. The first one shows how a reference process ontology can be built from texts like best practice, standards, and protocols by using text mining. The second one will investigate the actual business process in the light of the reference business process using ontology matching procedures. The third one presents the role of ontology tailored to identify process-specific knowledge within domain ontology, usability of DL Query and ontology matching for checking the segregation of duties control in the actual business process.
Ildikó Szabó
Corporate Knowledge Discovery and Organizational Learning
András Gábor
Andrea Kő
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