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2019 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

Correlate Influential News Article Events to Stock Quote Movement

Authors : Arun Chaitanya Mandalapu, Saranya Gunabalan, Avinash Sadineni, Taotao Cai, Nur Al Hasan Haldar, Jianxin Li

Published in: Advanced Data Mining and Applications

Publisher: Springer International Publishing

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This study is to investigate the digital media influence on financial equity stocks. For investment plans, knowledge-based decision support system is an important criterion. The stock exchange is becoming one of the major areas of investments. Various factors affect the stock exchange in which social media and digital news articles are found to be the major factors. As the world is more connected now than a decade ago, social media does play a main role in making decisions and change the perception of looking at things. Therefore a robust model is an important need for forecasting the stock prices movement using social media news or articles. From this line of research, we assess the performance of correlation-based models to check the rigorousness over the large data sets of stocks and the news articles. We evaluate the various stock quotes of entities across the world on the day news article is published. Conventional sentiment analysis is applied to the news article events to extract the polarity by categorizing the positive and negative statements to study their influence on the stocks based on correlation.

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Correlate Influential News Article Events to Stock Quote Movement
Arun Chaitanya Mandalapu
Saranya Gunabalan
Avinash Sadineni
Taotao Cai
Nur Al Hasan Haldar
Jianxin Li
Copyright Year

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